Big Five Personality Test|The internationally recognized 'Personality Inventory' measures the five major personality traits, helping to identify personal strengths and weaknesses.

Big Five Personality Test|The internationally recognized 'Personality Inventory' measures the five major personality traits, helping to identify personal strengths and weaknesses.

In addition to the MBTI 16-type professional personality test, the Big Five Personality Test is another widely used personality test in psychology. It can analyze a person’s personality traits through 5 personality factors, so that you can analyze your strengths and weaknesses. With more knowledge, you can also come up with personal development suggestions that are most suitable for you. If you want to know more about what the Big Five Personality Test is, what the five personality factors are, and how to conduct it, then keep reading!

What is the Big Five Personality Test? What can it tell you?

The Big Five Personality Test is a psychological test based on the Big Five personality model that measures your five personality traits: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. These five traits can reflect your way of thinking, behavioral habits, emotional reactions and social tendencies, thereby helping you understand your strengths and weaknesses, and the personal development direction that suits you.

The Big Five personality model was proposed by psychologists Paul Costa and Robert McCrae in the 1980s. They believed that these five traits could cover all aspects of personality. The English initials of these five traits form ‘OCEAN’, so the Big Five personality model is also called the ‘Ocean of Personality.’ Everyone has these five traits, just to different degrees, and different combinations of traits will lead to different personality types.

The Big Five personality test is widely used in psychology, education, career, marriage and other fields. It can help you understand yourself, improve self-management ability, choose a suitable learning and working environment, establish harmonious interpersonal relationships, and improve the quality of life. and happiness.

What are the five personality traits in the Big Five Personality Test?


Openness refers to the degree of acceptance of new things, new concepts, and new experiences. It includes aspects such as imagination, creativity, curiosity, aesthetic sense, and emotional sensitivity.

People with high openness have broad minds, like to explore unknown areas, are interested in abstract concepts, appreciate beautiful things, are creative and expressive, and can feel their emotions deeply. People with low openness have conservative thinking, like to stick to known facts, are not interested in abstract concepts, value practicality, lack creativity and expression, and do not pay much attention to their own emotions.


Conscientiousness refers to the execution and completion of tasks and goals, which includes responsibility, organizational skills, planning, self-discipline and achievement motivation.

People with high conscientiousness have a strong sense of responsibility, can effectively arrange and perform their tasks, abide by rules and deadlines, have strong self-control, and pursue high standards and high efficiency. People with low conscientiousness lack a sense of responsibility, cannot manage and complete their tasks well, do not care about rules and deadlines, have weak self-control, and are prone to giving up and procrastinating.


Extraversion refers to the degree of activity and initiative in social situations, which includes sociability, enthusiasm, self-confidence, vitality and optimism.

People with high extroversion like to interact with others, can easily establish connections with others, behave friendly, enthusiastic, confident, and energetic. They are also willing to be the center of attention and enjoy the stimulation and happiness brought by social activities. People with low extroversion do not like to interact with others and can handle their own affairs independently. They appear silent, cold, cautious, and lack energy. They do not like to be the center of attention and enjoy the peace and tranquility brought by solitude and introspection. peaceful.


Agreeableness refers to cooperation and harmony in interpersonal relationships, including empathy, friendliness, humility, trust and cooperation.

People with high agreeableness have an optimistic attitude towards human nature, believe that people are generally honest and reliable, show compassion, friendliness, humility, trust and cooperation towards others, and are willing to sacrifice their own interests for the benefit of others. People with low agreeableness have a pessimistic attitude towards human nature, suspect that people are generally dishonest and unreliable, show indifference, hostility, conceited, distrustful and competitive attitudes towards others, and are unwilling to sacrifice themselves for the benefit of others. Interests.


Neuroticism refers to sensitivity and stability to negative emotions, including anxiety, anger, depression, fear, jealousy, and low self-esteem.

People with high neuroticism are emotionally unstable and are easily affected by external or internal stimulation and produce various negative emotions, such as anxiety, anger, depression, fear, jealousy and low self-esteem. They also have difficulty recovering from negative emotions and have low stress tolerance. People with low neuroticism have stable emotions and are not prone to negative emotions caused by external or internal stimulation. Even if they have negative emotions, they can quickly adjust and relieve them, and have high stress tolerance.

How to conduct the Big Five Personality Test?

If you want to know the results of your Big Five Personality Test, you can click on the link below to take a free online test. The test only takes a few minutes. You only need to choose the answer that best suits you according to your actual situation, and you will get your Personality Trait Scores and Analysis Reports.

Big Five Personality Test free link:

Through the Big Five Personality Test, you can better understand your own personality traits, find the personal development direction that suits you, and improve your quality of life and happiness. Give it a try?

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