MBTI Cognitive Function: Fe Function - Focus on Harmony and Emotion

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi.

Function Abbreviation Features
Extraverted intuition Ne Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively
Introverted intuition Ni Binding association; seeking unchanging and common truths, trusting intuition; good at discovering the essence, and predicting the future accordingly
Extraverted Reality Se Objective Reality; seeks sensory stimulation and likes changes in the environment; is good at adapting to new environments and has keen observation skills
Introverted Reality Si Subjective Reality; retaining and ruminating on past memories, trusting experience; good at defending rules and conventions
Extraverted thinking Te Positivist logic; believe in facts and value results; good at standardizing processes, improving systems, and promoting progress
Introverted thinking Ti Skeptical logic; doubt facts and value principles; good at designing unique methods of doing things and adjusting them according to the situation
Extraverted Feeling Fe The emotions of the group; focus on consensus and emotional feedback between people; good at reading, persuading and influencing others
Introverted Feeling Fi Individual emotions; focuses on individuality, individual emotions and values; is good at taking on other people’s situations, sympathizing with and supporting the weak

MBTI theory holds that everyone has four main cognitive functions, which are the mental processes people use when perceiving and judging things. Two of them are sensing functions (Sensing or Intuition), two are judging functions (Thinking or Feeling), and each function has an extraverted or introverted tendency.

This article will focus on one of the judgment functions - Extraverted Feeling, referred to as Fe function. Fe function is the ability to focus on harmony and emotion. It can help us understand and adapt to the emotions and values of others, maintain and promote interpersonal relationships, and express and influence the attitudes and behaviors of others. This article will elaborate on the Fe function from the following aspects:

  • What are the characteristics of Fe function?
  • In which types does the Fe function appear?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of Fe function?
  • How to develop and balance Fe function?

MBTI Cognitive Function: Extraverted Feeling

What are the characteristics of Fe function?

Follow others

The Fe function is very sensitive to the emotions and values of others. It always wants to understand and meet the needs and expectations of others, and constantly observes and feeds back information. The Fe function has a strong sense of identification with social norms and morals, and always wants to conform to and maintain social order and fairness. For example, at work, Fe function will like to maintain good communication and cooperation with colleagues, abide by and implement the company’s rules and regulations, rather than focusing only on their own interests or preferences.

Pay attention to harmony

The Fe function attaches great importance to the harmony of interpersonal relationships and always wants to create a gentle and pleasant atmosphere, mediate and resolve conflicts and contradictions. The Fe function is very direct about one’s own emotions and attitudes, always wanting to express and convey one’s own emotions and attitudes, and to inspire and influence the emotions and attitudes of others. For example, in life, the Fe function will like to maintain close and warm relationships with family and friends, share one’s own happiness and troubles, and support and encourage the growth and happiness of others.

Pay attention to justice

The Fe function has a strong pursuit of fairness and justice, always wants to maintain and promote equality and fairness in society, and opposes and resists any form of injustice and discrimination. The Fe function is very responsible for its own judgment and behavior. It always wants to abide by and implement the laws and morals of society, and also expects others to meet the same standards. For example, in society, Fe function will actively participate in and support some activities and organizations that are beneficial to social welfare and progress, and oppose and resist some behaviors and phenomena that are harmful to society and others.

Focus on growth

The Fe function has a strong incentive for growth and excellence, always wanting to discover and cultivate the potential and advantages of oneself and others, and provide encouragement and support. The Fe function is very firm in its own goals and ideals, always wanting to follow certain plans and steps to realize its own wishes, and also to help others realize their wishes. For example, during learning, the Fe function will strive to improve its knowledge and skills, actively participate in and lead some projects and activities that are beneficial to learning, and also guide and tutor some students who need help.

In which types does the Fe function appear?

According to the MBTI theory, everyone has four main cognitive functions, one of which is the Dominant Function and the other is the Auxiliary Function. These two functions are our most commonly used and skilled functions. It is also the core of our personality types. There are also Tertiary Function and Inferior Function. These two functions are relatively weak, but they will also affect us to a certain extent.

Fe functions appear as dominant or auxiliary functions in the following four types:

ESFJ (Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Feeling-Extroverted Intuition-Introverted Thinking)

Fe is the ESFJ’s dominant function, and Si is the ESFJ’s auxiliary function. ESFJ is a provider type. They like to use Fe to take care of and coordinate the emotions and values of others, use Si to review and maintain their own experiences and habits, use Ne to find and explore new possibilities and changes, and use Ti to analyze and understand themselves. principles and logic. ESFJ is a passionate, responsible, loyal, and considerate type. They are good at caring for and supporting others, and maintaining and promoting social harmony and stability.

ENFJ (Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Intuition-Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Thinking)

Fe is the ENFJ’s dominant function, and Ni is the ENFJ’s auxiliary function. ENFJ is a teacher type. They like to use Fe to express and influence the emotions and values of others, use Ni to seek and predict their own goals and visions, use Se to observe and adapt to their own environment and reality, and use Ti to analyze and understand their own. principles and logic. ENFJ is a charismatic, idealistic, enthusiastic, and influential type. They are good at inspiring and guiding others to achieve and promote social progress and change.

ISFJ (Introverted Feeling-Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Thinking-Extroverted Intuition)

Fe is the auxiliary function of ISFJ, and Si is the dominant function of ISFJ. ISFJ is a protector type. They like to use Si to accumulate and maintain their own experiences and habits, use Fe to understand and adapt to the emotions and values of others, use Ti to analyze and understand their own principles and logic, and use Ne to find and explore new ones. Possibilities and changes. ISFJ is a gentle, reliable, cautious, and conscientious type. They are good at paying attention to and meeting the needs of others, and maintaining and protecting the order and security of society.

INFJ (Introverted Intuition-Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Thinking-Extroverted Feeling)

Fe is the INFJ’s auxiliary function, and Ni is the INFJ’s dominant function. INFJ is an advisor type. They like to use Ni to seek and predict their own goals and visions, use Fe to express and influence the emotions and values of others, use Ti to analyze and understand their own principles and logic, and use Se to observe and adapt to their own. environment and reality. INFJ is a mysterious, complex, insightful, and visionary type. They are good at discovering and solving problems, and achieving and promoting social progress and change.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Fe function?

As a judgment function, the Fe function has many advantages and disadvantages. Here are some common advantages and disadvantages:


  • Fe function can help us understand and adapt to the emotions and values of others, and increase our insight and empathy towards human nature.
  • Fe function can help us maintain and promote interpersonal relationships and improve our social skills and influence.
  • The Fe function can help us express and convey our emotions and attitudes, and improve our charm and appeal.
  • The Fe function can help us comply with and maintain social norms and morals, and improve our sense of citizenship and responsibility.


  • Fe function may cause us to rely too much on the emotions and values of others and ignore our own needs and expectations.
  • Fe function may cause us to cater too much to the wishes of others and sacrifice our own personality and principles.
  • Fe function may cause us to express our emotions and attitudes too directly, offending or hurting other people’s feelings.
  • Fe function may cause us to pursue harmony and stability too much, ignoring or avoiding problems and conflicts.
  • Fe function may cause us to obey and follow social norms and morals too much, and lose our own judgment and criticism.

How to develop and balance Fe function?

The Fe function is a function that focuses on harmony and emotion. It can help us understand and adapt to the emotions and values of others, maintain and promote interpersonal relationships, and express and influence the attitudes and behaviors of others. However, the Fe function also needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve the greatest effect. Here are some suggestions for developing and balancing Fe function:

  • Communicate and interact with other people with Fe function, share your emotions and values, listen to their feedback and suggestions, and learn from their strengths and experiences.
  • Pay appropriate attention to your own needs and expectations, use Fi or Ti to filter and evaluate your emotions and judgments, ensure that they are in line with your own standards and principles, and do not blindly cater to or obey others.
  • Pay more attention to your goals and vision, use Ni or Si to plan and execute your plans, ensure that your actions have sufficient direction and support, and do not ignore important issues or conflicts.
  • Pay more attention to your own environment and reality, use Se or Ne to observe and collect the facts and details of your situation, make sure your emotions have sufficient basis and evidence, and don’t be too subjective or extreme.


The Fe function is Extraverted Feeling, which is the ability to focus on harmony and emotion. The Fe function has the characteristics of paying attention to others and focusing on harmony. The Fe function appears as a dominant or auxiliary function in ESFJ, ENFJ, ISFJ, INFJ and other types. The Fe function has many advantages, such as increasing insight, improving social interaction, improving charm, increasing sense of responsibility, etc. The Fe function also has some disadvantages, such as neglecting oneself, sacrificing individuality, losing judgment, pursuing stability, etc. Fe function needs to cooperate and balance with other functions to achieve maximum effect.

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