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Test the biggest lie deep in your heart

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 5
Have you ever lied to yourself? Or on some occasions, have to weave some lies to cover up the truth? In fact, lying is not a good habit, but we sometimes have to do it for various reasons. So, deep down in your heart, what is the biggest lie? Through this test, let us uncover your innermost secrets together!

What are the obstacles in your relationship?

Love/Relationship 2 1 minute
Everyone will encounter many walls along the way. Some people know the wall-penetrating skill and can go through without any effort and continue moving forward; some people have skills and can climb over with a rope or drill a hole in the wall; and some people have no special skills and can just go through. Being able to stand still outside the walls. What kind of walls will you encounter, and w...

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