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Test what you rely on to get ahead

Workplace/career 1 1 minute 3
We live in a flat world, or so it seems on the surface. Openness, equality, freedom, innovation, and civilian participation are the general rules for walking in this world. However, this result means that the world can never be flat. As you walk, you will eventually find that only a small group of people have the right to occupy most of the resources, wealth, and the gaze of everyone in the world...

What is your financial management ability?

Wealth/Investment 1 1 minute
Are you a single aristocrat or a young man who just got married? Or do you already have a small, stable family with a senior citizen and a subordinate? In fact, no matter what stage of life you are in now, 'money' has always been around you. Therefore, learning to manage money is an indispensable life skill for every modern person. The most important thing is to learn to manage money. The most im...

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