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Test how you can expand your career space

Workplace/career 1 1 minute
As the saying goes: 'As big as the heart is, so is the stage.' After entering society, career becomes the goal we strive for throughout our lives, and years of hard study are just to realize our dreams one day. And many times, career success depends on ourselves, so how can we expand the development space of our career and achieve success as soon as possible? This is a career test question, I hop...

Workplace test: Test how much room you have for promotion in the workplace

What are you busy with every day? Is it to realize your dream, to exchange for more material things, or to reflect your personal value? Maybe we are still not satisfied with the current job position and salary. The busy work makes us breathless. When we get home every day, the lights are bright, and you drag your tired body and feel extremely melancholy. Seeing difficult projects, unfinished work,...

Test how charming you are on QQ

Interpersonal/Social 2 1 minute 1
Do you have your own QQ account? How many people will pay attention to your comments in the space? Or are you often invisible or do you like to create your own personal space without being disturbed by others? Everyone always has some things that even themselves The charm of being unaware of it. These charms come from external temperament or shining points of character. How high is your charm inde...

spatial judgment ability test

Mental/Health 1 1 minute
Spatial judgment refers to the ability to understand and analyze geometric figures, understand the principles of objects moving in space, and solve geometric problems. If a person learns plane geometry and solid geometry better, his spatial judgment ability will be relatively strong. How is your own spatial judgment ability? Come and give it a try.

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