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Glass heart degree test

Mental/Health 30 3 minute 5
Glass heart degree test
Glassy personality is an emotionally fragile and vulnerable psychological state, often accompanied by mood swings and irritable tendencies. This personality type is often unable to control his or her emotional reactions when faced with trivial matters or the words and deeds of others, manifesting as impulsive and irrational behavior, but this does not mean that this is the original intention. In ...

Find out what your ideal dating situation is like

Everyone who hangs out in this society will have their own circle of friends, probably from childhood to adulthood, whether they are classmates or colleagues. Among these people, they will always meet close friends, whom they meet so late that they can talk about everything. But making friends is not just casual. Everyone must have their own rules for making friends. What is the ideal state of mak...

Psychological Test: Test your stress level

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 2
No one is made of iron. People will become tired and stressed after long-term stress or overwork. Being under high-intensity stress and labor for a long time will cause varying degrees of physical and psychological damage. Physically, symptoms such as fatigue, insomnia, indigestion, headaches, and muscle tension may occur; psychologically, symptoms such as anxiety, depression, irritability, and m...

Have you entered a sub-healthy state?

Mental/Health 2 1 minute
The World Health Organization points out: The number one killer threatening human health in the 21st century is lifestyle diseases, especially its prelude sub-health. Sub-health is getting more and more attention from people. How to judge whether you are in a sub-health state? This small test will tell you the answer.

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