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How high is your 'cuteness index'?

Life/hobbies 10 3 minute
In this colorful world, everyone is unique. Our personalities are like a delicate picture. Some are like bright sunshine, warming and shining on the people around them; others are like the deep night sky, quiet and tolerant. In this context, the word 'cute' came into being, which represents a character trait that is both innocent and cute. The word 'cute' comes from the Japanese words 'natural st...

Test whether you are a popular person

We all don’t want to be left out, and we like to be welcomed in any situation. Whether you can be liked by the people around you will determine the size of your circle of friends and will also affect your career development. If you want to know if the people around you like you, just take a social test to find out.

Do you think there are more people who like you than people who hate you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 minute 2
I know that everyone has a mirror in their heart and sees everyone differently. I also know that everyone has their own little heart, there are people who want to be nice to them, there are people who don’t want to deal with them, there are people who make you feel bad when you see them, and there are also people who fall in love at first sight, see you again Qingcheng, every time you see them The...

Interpersonal relationship test: Test how reliable you are in the eyes of your friends

Reliable and highly rated among people. I believe it is difficult for each of us to satisfy each other in social interactions. Because of different personalities and styles, it is difficult to get recognition from others. A reliable person must be principled and trustworthy. That is to say, it is often said that you will never get tired of being together for a long time, but you may feel that it i...

Fun psychological test: Test what level of corruption you can be

The original meaning of 'greed' refers to the love of money, and the original meaning of 'greed' refers to the love of food. 'Greed' means insatiable greed, which is an over-expanded self-interest. It is a morbid psychology. Compared with normal desires, when greed is not satisfied, the more you gain, the greater your appetite. Greedy desires are endless, which is the so-called 'desire is hard to ...

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