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psychological test
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Will testing your kindness be exploited by others?

In today's fiercely competitive society, many people often choose to do whatever it takes to achieve a goal. The more sophisticated people are, the more likely they are to leave the impression of being innocent and cute to others, and may unknowingly take advantage of others' kindness. This is not only due to other people's schemes, but also largely due to your lack of precautions. Will others tak...

Test your durability: Are you a 'garbage person' who is thrown away by others?

Interpersonal/Social 3 3 minute 3
I wonder if you have ever noticed people taking out trash. If you look carefully, you will find that the trash bags are full of discarded items, so they are thrown away by the original owner. The same is true for interpersonal relationships. Those who are useful will always be used, and those who are not will become 'junk people' and be discarded aside. Today's psychological test will test your ...

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