Psychological test: Do you know how stressful you feel during an interview?

Workplace/career 1 2 Minutes

People will have varying degrees of nervousness during interviews, because the outcome of the interview will determine whether you are hired.

However, just the right amount of tension can actually improve your performance. Being fully prepared and confident before the interview can help you better control your nervousness and fully demonstrate your strengths and abilities.

In addition, it is also very important to relax your body and mind and maintain a good mental state. You can try some stress-reduction techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, yoga, etc., to relieve tension and stay calm. Before the interview, you should also pay attention to adequate sleep and diet, and maintain a good physical condition to cope with possible stress and tension.

The most important thing is to maintain a positive attitude, don’t give up even if you fail in the interview, and continue to work hard to improve your abilities and experience. I believe you will always have better opportunities and development.

This psychological test question can help you understand your stress during the interview.

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