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20 rules you must know in relationships

Relationships are an integral part of our lives, affecting our emotions, growth, and happiness. However, interpersonal communication is not an easy thing. It requires us to master some basic principles and skills in order to avoid unnecessary trouble and conflicts. In this article, I will share with you 20 rules of interpersonal relationships, hoping to help you improve your interpersonal skills a...

Psychologists send you New Year greetings. Can you guess which school they belong to?

Happy New Year! In this new year full of hope and challenges, we all need some encouragement and support. If a psychologist came to send you New Year greetings, what would they say? What language and methods will they use to express their care and wishes? From what angle and perspective will they view you and your life? Today, we are going to play a little game to see how psychologists send New Y...

Job hunting tips for college students: Strategies to deal with four major problems to make you more confident and competitive in your job search!

Job hunting is no longer an easy task for college students. Many college students will encounter some confusions and problems after graduation, such as not knowing which career is suitable for them, not being able to find a job that matches their major, not having a strong enough diploma, and insufficient work experience. These problems may seem complex, but they actually have some feasible soluti...

MBTI Type 16 psychological age, which one are you? Come and test it out!

MBTI Type 16 psychological age, which one are you? Come and test it out!
Is your mental age the same as your actual age? Do you sometimes feel that you are very mature and other times very naive? Did you know that your mental age has a lot to do with your personality type? Today, we will take a look at the super popular MBTI sixteen personality types. What is the mental age of each personality? Are you one of them? The latest Chinese version of the free MBTI personali...

Mother’s Day Gift Recommendations: Best Choices for Moms with 16 MBTI Personality Types

In many countries, Mother's Day falls on this Sunday. If you believe the advertising, that means you'd better buy your mom roses and jewelry—maybe even a new car if you can manage it. So, what’s the best gift for Mother’s Day? It depends on your mom's personality type. A Diplomat Mom might appreciate a meaningful note, while a Defender Mom might prefer a physical gift, like a handbag that reminds...

Those who can get out from the bottom are those who understand thick and black knowledge!

During the Republic of China, Li Zongwu attracted widespread attention with his book 'Houheixue'. He expounded the view that one should have a thick skin but not a color, and a dark but colorless heart, in order to become a hero. This article will take Liu Bang, Xiang Yu, Cao Cao, Liu Bei, Sun Quan, Sima Yi and other figures as examples to discuss how thickness and blackness affect success or fail...

Don’t lose yourself for love, how to maintain your self-image in a relationship

Each of us is unique, but we are also influenced by the people around us. When we get along with others, we will change. Some changes are good and some changes are bad. We must learn to distinguish and not lose ourselves for others. ! Free Psychological Test Test your true personality and your most suitable partner Test address: How do we change in relationships? So...

The love path of INFP and ESTP: How to overcome personality differences and build a good relationship?

You are an INFP and you fall in love with an ESTP, and you may feel confused and helpless. You may be asking yourself: What should I do? We are so different, can we get along? INFP and ESTP are two completely different personality types. They have huge differences in cognition, emotion, behavior and values. These differences may lead to some communication and understanding barriers, and may even ...

INTP Wang Xiaobo: How to find wisdom and fun in an unintelligible and boring world

Wang Xiaobo is a contemporary Chinese scholar and writer. His works have influenced generations of readers with his unique style and ideas. His life has experienced tremendous changes in Chinese society, from being an educated youth and worker during the Cultural Revolution to becoming a university teacher and freelance writer after the reform and opening up, and then to his untimely death due to ...

Work-life integration: a new way of thinking that can help you regain your passion for work and life

Have you ever counted how many hours you work in a week? Did you work overtime? Have you included answering phone calls and replying to messages? This is all work, but it also takes up your personal time. Work is around you all the time, how much time do you have left in your life? ! How to balance work and life Work-life balance is the ability to handle work, family and other things well. Now...

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