People in the workplace — Blog Post

'Four constellations of scammers' in the workplace

Constellation of cheaters in the workplace If the workplace is like a battlefield, then the colleagues around you are often teammates who are in the same boat. Only by fighting side by side can we succeed. However, it doesn’t matter if there are pig teammates in the workplace. There are also some cheat-type colleagues who must be seen clearly! Otherwise, I don’t know how he died! ! Top 1 constel...

When asked in an interview why you left your job and what your shortcomings were, how should you answer?

There are hundreds of interview questions! Among them, 'reason for leaving', 'what are your shortcomings', and 'why did you choose a cross-industry and non-original position' are almost the three major challenges that interviewers must ask. How to answer them will not turn into a disaster of accidentally stepping on taboos. Woolen cloth? Let’s take a look at how to resolve the three major problems...

Use SWOT analysis to find out personal strengths and opportunities, and quickly find the job and industry that best suits you

'What should I do? I'll graduate in a few months and I don't know what I'm going to do in the future.' 'How about getting a master's degree?' 'Go be a soldier first and then think about it later.' Graduation season is approaching. , are you feeling uneasy about entering the society? I feel even more anxious when I think that my entire resume is blank. In fact, for college students with no work exp...

When asked in an interview about salary expectations, how much is a reasonable offer? 3 steps to teach you how to negotiate a good salary

The end of the year is coming soon, and many people are hesitant to change jobs or change jobs after the year, simply because they hope to get better treatment. However, the main reason why everyone decides whether to change jobs is whether they can negotiate a better salary during the interview. Some netizens posted online to share that they were a recent graduate from a liberal arts university a...

Upward communication in the workplace

Have you ever had such an experience or confusion: 1. Although you have worked very hard and undertaken many important tasks or projects, you have not received the benefits you deserve? 2. In the project you and Xiao Ming worked on together, both of you performed well, but your superiors seemed to favor Xiao Ming? 3. You are very serious and attentive in doing everything assigned by your superior...

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