Before falling in love, you need to have these 5 kinds of prediction skills

Falling in love is a beautiful thing, but it is also something that requires caution. You may meet all kinds of people, some will bring you happiness and some will bring you pain. If you want to find a suitable partner, you need to have a certain amount of predictability and be able to see the other person’s true face before falling in love to avoid falling into a bad relationship.

What is predictability? Prejudgment is the ability to make reasonable guesses and judgments about what may happen in the future based on existing information and experience. Prejudgment can help you analyze the other person’s personality, behavior, values, etc., so as to determine whether the other person is suitable for you and worthy of your affection.

So, what kind of predictability do you need before falling in love? I think there are at least the following 5 aspects:

1. Emotional management ability

Emotional management ability refers to a person’s ability to control his or her emotions and prevent them from affecting his or her rationality and behavior. A person with the ability to manage emotions will stay calm and rational when encountering unpleasant things, and express his feelings in an appropriate way, instead of losing his temper, throwing things, or using hands and feet.

When you are in love, if the other person yells at you or throws things at you, it means that the other person has no ability to manage emotions and is likely to lose control and hit you after marriage. Such people are not worthy of your trust and dependence because they cannot give you a sense of security and stability.

2. Communication skills

Communication skills refer to a person’s ability to exchange information and express opinions with others in an effective way. A person with good communication skills will take the initiative to communicate with the other party when encountering problems or disagreements, listen to the other party’s point of view with a peaceful and respectful attitude, and express his or her thoughts in rational and sincere language, rather than playing cold or violent ways. Refuse to respond and lose contact.

When you are in love, if the other person likes to engage in cold violence, it means that the other person does not have the ability to communicate and is likely to stay up all night after the marriage and lose contact. Such people are not worthy of your reliance and trust because they cannot give you care and support.

3. Financial responsibility

Economic responsibility means that a person can reasonably arrange his or her income and expenses to provide necessary material security for himself and his family. A person with a sense of financial responsibility will work hard when making money, save money when spending money, share household expenses when living together, and help each other when encountering difficulties, instead of being careless, stingy, greedy for enjoyment, and evading responsibilities.

When you are in love, if the other person cares about you, it means that the other person has no sense of financial responsibility and is likely to be unwilling to use his own income to support the family after marriage. Such people are not worthy of your trust and reliance, because they cannot give you peace of mind and comfort.

4. Living habits

Lifestyle habits refer to some fixed behavioral patterns and preferences formed by a person in daily life. A person with good living habits will maintain a healthy, clean, regular, and positive state in life, and have certain requirements and respect for himself and others, instead of being unclean, lazy, casual, and regardless of others.

When you are in love, if the other person does not care about cleanliness, it means that the other person does not have good living habits and is likely to be less active in doing housework after marriage. Such people are not worth getting along with and cooperating with because they cannot give you comfort and coordination.

5. Loyalty

Loyalty refers to a person’s single-minded and unwavering affection for his or her partner. A loyal person will be devoted to each other in love, loyal to each other in marriage, honest to each other in temptation, and supportive of each other in difficulties, instead of messing around, cheating, betrayal, and deception. Conceal it, abandon it and leave.

When you are in love, if the other person is not very serious, it means that the other person is not loyal and is likely to cheat on you after attending a party after marriage. Such people are not worthy of your love and trust because they cannot give you happiness and happiness.


Before falling in love, you need to have these 5 types of predictions in order to better choose your partner and avoid falling into the wrong relationship. Of course, these predictions are not absolute or static. You also need to flexibly use your observation, analysis, judgment and decision-making skills according to specific situations and people to find the person who is truly suitable for you.

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