MBTI Cognitive Function: Te Function - the efficient way to achieve your goals

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi.

Function Abbreviation Features
Extraverted intuition Ne Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively
Introverted intuition Ni Binding association; seeking unchanging and common truths, trusting intuition; good at discovering the essence, and predicting the future accordingly
Extraverted Reality Se Objective Reality; seeks sensory stimulation and likes changes in the environment; is good at adapting to new environments and has keen observation skills
Introverted Reality Si Subjective Reality; retaining and ruminating on past memories, trusting experience; good at defending rules and conventions
Extraverted Thinking Te Positivist logic; believe in facts and value results; good at standardizing processes, improving systems, and promoting progress
Introverted thinking Ti Skeptical logic; doubt facts and value principles; good at designing unique methods of doing things and adjusting them according to the situation
Extraverted Feeling Fe The emotions of the group; focus on consensus and emotional feedback between people; good at reading, persuading and influencing others
Introverted Feeling Fi Individual emotions; focuses on individuality, individual emotions and values; is good at taking on other people’s situations, sympathizing with and supporting the weak

MBTI theory holds that everyone has four main cognitive functions, which are the mental processes people use when perceiving and judging things. Two of them are sensing functions (Sensing or Intuition), two are judging functions (Thinking or Feeling), and each function has an extraverted or introverted tendency.

This article will focus on one of the judgment functions - extraverted thinking (Extraverted Thinking), referred to as Te function. Te function is a logical ability based on facts and results. It can help us plan and achieve our goals, improve our efficiency and effectiveness, and increase our sense of accomplishment and confidence. This article will elaborate on Te functions from the following aspects:

  • What are the characteristics of Te function?
  • In which genres does the Te feature appear?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of Te function?
  • How to develop and balance Te functions?

MBTI Cognitive Function: Extraverted Thinking

What are the characteristics of Te function?


Te function believes in facts and values results. The Te function will not easily accept opinions or theories that are not supported by evidence or logic, but will use objective data and standards to test and evaluate them. The Te function will not be satisfied with empty talk or paper talk, but will use actual actions and results to prove and demonstrate its abilities and value.


Te functions like standardization and value systems. The Te function will not do things or make decisions arbitrarily, but will follow certain processes and methods to ensure that its behavior meets expectations and requirements. The Te function will not ignore details or neglect management, but will optimize existing systems and processes to improve the quality and efficiency of work.


Te functions are driven and value progress. The Te function will not stagnate or delay, but will actively set and achieve its own goals and pursue higher levels and standards. The Te function will not passively wait for or rely on others, but will actively influence and lead others to promote team collaboration and development.


The Te function maintains objectivity and values impartiality. The Te function will not be affected by one’s own or others’ emotions or prejudices, but will use reason and logic to analyze and judge things and make the most reasonable and effective decisions. The Te function will not favor or discriminate against any person or group, but will treat all people and things with fairness and justice, and maintain rules and order.

In which types does the Te function appear?

According to the MBTI theory, everyone has four main cognitive functions, one of which is the Dominant Function and the other is the Auxiliary Function. These two functions are our most commonly used and skilled functions. It is also the core of our personality types. There are also Tertiary Function and Inferior Function. These two functions are relatively weak, but they will also affect us to a certain extent.

Te functions appear as dominant or auxiliary functions in the following four types:

ENTJ (Extroverted Intuition-Extroverted Thinking-Introverted Feeling-Introverted Feeling)

Te is the ENTJ’s dominant function, and Ni is the ENTJ’s auxiliary function. ENTJ is a leader type who likes to use Te to organize and direct things, Ni to build and realize visions, Fi to insist on and express their own values and emotions, and Si to balance and stabilize their lives. ENTJ is a confident, decisive, powerful, and visionary type. They are good at formulating and executing plans, solving problems and crises, and leading and managing teams.

ESTJ (Extroverted Sensing-Extroverted Thinking-Introverted Intuition-Introverted Feeling)

Te is the ESTJ’s dominant function, and Si is the ESTJ’s auxiliary function. ESTJ is a supervisor type. They like to use Te to regulate and control things, Si to accumulate and apply experience, Ne to find and explore possibilities, and Fi to regulate and adapt to their emotions and interpersonal relationships. ESTJ is a responsible, practical, orderly, and methodical type. They are good at enforcing and maintaining rules and systems, ensuring quality and effectiveness, and supervising and evaluating work.

INTJ (Introverted Intuition-Extroverted Thinking-Introverted Feeling-Extroverted Feeling)

Te is the auxiliary function of INTJ, and Ni is the dominant function of INTJ. INTJ is a planner type. They like to use Ni to create and improve their own concept system, use Te to organize and achieve their goals, use Si to review and summarize their own experience and data, and use Fe to adjust and adapt to their emotions and interpersonal relationships. relation. INTJ is a smart, independent, innovative, and insightful type. They are good at analyzing and solving complex and abstract problems, pursuing knowledge and wisdom, and achieving self-improvement.

ISTJ (Introverted Feeling-Extroverted Thinking-Introverted Intuition-Extroverted Feeling)

Te is the ISTJ’s auxiliary function, and Si is the ISTJ’s dominant function. ISTJ is an examiner type. They like to use Si to collect and store facts and details of things, use Te to organize and process the logic and order of things, use Ne to find and explore the meaning and connections of things, and use Fe to adjust and adapt to their own emotions. Emotions and relationships. ISTJs are serious, reliable, down-to-earth, and principled types who are good at following and executing tasks and responsibilities, maintaining accuracy and consistency, and respecting traditions and customs.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Te function?

As a judgment function, the Te function has many advantages and disadvantages. Here are some common advantages and disadvantages:


  • The Te function can help us make reasonable and effective decisions based on facts and results, and improve our control over things.
  • The Te function can help us standardize and optimize our systems and processes, and improve the quality and efficiency of our work.
  • Te function can help us promote and achieve our goals, improve our sense of accomplishment and confidence.
  • Te function can help us maintain objectivity and maintain impartiality, improving our credibility.


  • Te function may cause us to be too rational and ignore emotions, and appear cold or mean when dealing with interpersonal relationships.
  • Te function may cause us to be too rigid and lack flexibility, appearing stubborn or stubborn when dealing with changes and challenges.
  • Te function may cause us to be too proactive and ignore others, and appear domineering or overbearing when leading and managing.
  • Te function may cause us to pursue efficiency too much and ignore creativity, and appear to lack imagination or sensitivity when solving problems and innovating.

How to develop and balance Te functions?

The Te function is a useful and powerful function that can help us plan and achieve our goals, improve our efficiency and effectiveness, and increase our sense of accomplishment and confidence. However, the Te function also needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve maximum effect. Here are some suggestions for growing and balancing Te’s capabilities:

  • Communicate and interact with other people with Te function, share your decisions and actions, listen to their feedback and suggestions, and learn from their strengths and experiences.
  • Appropriately relax your desire for control and motivation, set yourself some reasonable and feasible goals and deadlines, and avoid overwork or excessive pressure.
  • Pay more attention to your own inner feelings and values, use Fi or Ti to filter and evaluate your decisions and actions, ensure that they are in line with your own standards and principles, and do not violate your own or other people’s emotions or prejudices.
  • Pay more attention to your external environment and possibilities, use Si or Ni to observe and collect facts and details about your situation, ensure that your decisions and actions have sufficient basis and support, and do not ignore important information or evidence.


The Te function is extraverted thinking, which is a logical ability based on facts and results. The Te function has the characteristics of positivism, standardization, promotion and objectivity. The Te function appears as a dominant or auxiliary function in ENTJ, ESTJ, INTJ, ISTJ and other types. The Te function has many advantages, such as improving control, improving work quality, improving sense of accomplishment, improving credibility, etc. The Te function also has some disadvantages, such as ignoring emotions, lack of flexibility, ignoring others, and ignoring creativity. The Te function needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve maximum effect.

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