To repeat or not to repeat? Teacher Zhang Xuefeng gives you professional selection advice!

After the college entrance examination scores came out, some students were researching which university to apply for, some were considering what major to choose, and some students were wondering whether to repeat the studies.

Recently, in the QQ user exchange group of PsycTest, some students mentioned the feasibility of repeating the course and expressed that they were confused and entangled.

Do you want to reread

‘I did not do well in the exam this year. Should I repeat the exam?’

“I didn’t get into the undergraduate program, is it worth studying for a junior college?”

‘I didn’t do well in the college entrance examination, but I’m not willing to go to college. What should I do?’

‘What will I do after I go to college?’

Regarding whether you should repeat studies and how to choose a major, I strongly recommend that you watch the video of the recently controversial teacher Zhang Xuefeng.

Ten years ago, when I was still in college, teacher Zhang Xuefeng’s videos were very popular. In the video, he shared his professional opinions and life experiences in a sharp and humorous way, which made people enjoy listening and feeling happy. The students in the video also laughed.

After graduation, I entered society and accepted severe beatings from society, and only then did I truly understand the cruelty of reality. Now when I look back at the content I thought was funny back then, it’s hard to laugh out loud, and I’m just filled with emotion. When you see those classmates laughing heartily in the video, aren’t they who they were back then?

Next, I will summarize teacher Zhang Xuefeng’s views on repeating the college entrance examination, hoping to be helpful to those students who are struggling with whether to repeat the college entrance examination.

Should I repeat the reading? Is it worth attending a junior college?

First of all, if you are a student who has been admitted to a junior college, do you want to repeat your studies and try to get a bachelor’s degree? This depends on what industry your major is in, or the level of your junior college.

Is it necessary to repeat studies when choosing a medical major?

Avoid medical majors when applying for junior college. If you are determined to study medicine and have only been admitted to a junior college, it is strongly recommended to retake it. why? Because if you only have a college degree, you will face a long process of becoming a talent. Medical specialties in some places are targeted for training. For example, there is a shortage of doctors in some remote areas. Some medical schools will recruit junior college students to train rural doctors. If employment is guaranteed, it is slightly better. But if there is no guarantee of employment, the process of becoming a medical professional will be very long for you. Because you first need to study for an undergraduate degree, then graduate school or even a PhD. To study for a graduate degree, you need a formal training certificate. The formal training certificate is a special certificate in China. It does not require an exam, but it takes time, at least three years. It is equivalent to three years of junior college, then undergraduate degree, three years of regular training, and then graduate school. If you want to become a doctor, certification is a must. Nowadays, if you want to become a doctor, you must have a formal training certificate. If you study for a junior college, you cannot escape the required training, while normal undergraduate medical students can avoid required training by taking the clinical master’s exam. Therefore, if you want to study medicine but have only been admitted to a junior college, it is recommended that you retake it.

If your goal of studying for a junior college is not to become a doctor, but to find a good job, the employment situation in many junior colleges is good now, especially for industry-related majors, especially for boys. For example, you can choose some industry-related majors, such as the School of Transportation. The School of Transportation mainly trains railway and highway-related talents, especially in the railway direction. For example, Shandong Jiaotong University is such a school. For engineering majors like civil engineering, you will be working in blue-collar jobs in the future and it will be difficult to get into high-level white-collar jobs. If you want to engage in design work or become a white-collar worker, it may be difficult. For example, if you want to design buildings, that’s a white-collar job, but building buildings is a blue-collar job. Therefore, you can only learn some basic maintenance and operations. The wages of blue-collar jobs are relatively high, but the working conditions are difficult and the work is hard. If you can accept a blue-collar job, you don’t have to choose to repeat your studies.

In short, whether you accept it or not depends on the individual. If you can accept it, then accept it; if you can’t accept it, then read it again. If you are a student who has taken the last two books or the middle two books, the key to whether you need to retake it is whether you have performed to your true level this year. If you feel that this college entrance examination has shown your normal level, then there is no need for you to repeat it, because you may have the same result next year. If you feel that you did not perform well in the college entrance examination this time because you were originally very strong and you were supposed to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University, but in the end you were only admitted to a junior college, then you can consider repeating the exam because this is not the result of your normal performance.

The psychological pressure of repeating studies

The psychological pressure of repeating will be greater because you will worry that repeating will have a negative impact on your future. Many students are worried that many provinces are now implementing the new 3+3 system for the college entrance examination. It used to be a small comprehensive system, but now it is 3+3. Can I still retake it? In fact, if you are a traditional comprehensive college entrance examination candidate, participating in the 3+3 system is the same, except that the three subjects you choose are the same three you originally studied. There may be some minor changes in your subject selection and application. For example, after Zhejiang Province implemented the 303 system, the relationship between subject selection and application will become clearer. For some majors, if you have not studied the corresponding subjects, you may not be able to apply, which is more troublesome. But if your province has just been reformed, and you repeat this semester, and then catch up with the next semester, it will be a 3+3 system, you don’t have to worry, it is actually the same.

If you want to repeat, you can. If you repeat this year, your ability to withstand stress needs to be strengthened. Some people may not do well in the college entrance examination because of the high pressure. If you feel more stressed after repeating, The older you get, the better the effect will be, so you must keep a normal mind when rereading.

The embarrassment of a college degree

Sometimes you will find a strange phenomenon in society, that is, it is better not to go to an undergraduate degree. why? Because you still need to find a job after you graduate. If you study for a junior college, it will be easier to find a technical job. Therefore, whether you want to study for a junior college depends on your personal circumstances, but if you study for a junior college like a normal college, it may be more troublesome. Some people may say that I can take the teacher establishment test. Teacher establishment is a special recruitment method. Big cities may not recruit established teachers, but only direct recruitment or other methods. Therefore, if you study in a normal college, you may feel a little embarrassed. If you have studied at a junior college, it is best to continue with a bachelor’s degree, because there are too many bachelor’s degree graduates in today’s society. If you only have a college degree, finding a job may be more difficult.

The importance of upgrading college education to undergraduate level

Junior college is definitely not the end of your academic qualifications, because a junior college degree is relatively embarrassing. Although college students are also considered college students, they are not regarded as college students in many talent policies. For example, in some quasi-first-tier cities, such as Wuhan, Chengdu, Xi’an, Hefei, Nanchang, etc., their policy support for settling in, buying a house, and starting a business is mainly for people with a bachelor’s degree or above. Therefore, junior college students should at least upgrade themselves to undergraduate level after completing junior college. Moreover, if you have the idea of taking the postgraduate entrance examination in the future, college graduates may be subject to certain discrimination in the postgraduate entrance examination. For example, you can only apply for postgraduate examinations two years after graduating from junior college; or in the re-examination for postgraduate entrance examinations, you need to take two additional subjects; some 985 engineering universities simply do not recruit students whose first degree is junior college when recruiting postgraduate students. . Therefore, you need to know that if you can get a bachelor’s degree, try to get a bachelor’s degree. This is definitely not the end of your academic qualifications.

‘How you go to college is more important than what college you go to.’ When you are in college, even if you go to a so-called ordinary school, you will eventually find that there are some talents in such ordinary schools. The key is that you How to go to university.

The matter of repeating is a matter of opinion and wisdom. The specific situation is analyzed in detail. I hope that students who have not repeated the course can develop themselves well during college, including in colleges and universities.

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