Understand your own personality, start with MBTI 16 and Enneagram personality types

Both the MBTI and the Enneagram are models used to describe an individual’s personality, and they are widely used to help people better understand themselves and others. In this article, we’ll briefly introduce these two models and explore how you can use them to understand your own personality.

MBTI Sixteen Types of Personality

The MBTI is a widely used personality classification model invented by psychologists Carl Jung and Isabel Briggs Myers in the 1940s. MBTI divides personality into 16 types, each type is composed of a combination of the following four factors:

  1. Extroversion or introversion (E or I): refers to whether a person’s attention is directed to the external world or the internal world
  2. Sensing or intuition (S or N): refers to the way a person processes information, whether to obtain facts through the senses or to understand facts through intuition
  3. Thinking or Emotion (T or F): Refers to whether a person makes decisions based on logic and objective criteria or based on emotions and personal values.
  4. Judgment or perception (J or P): Refers to whether a person’s way of organizing his or her lifestyle is more inclined to plan and decide or more inclined to be flexible.

According to different combinations of these factors, people can be divided into 16 types, such as ISTJ (concrete and practical, analytical, regular, controlling), ENFP (creative, relational, adventurous, emotional), etc. Fans of MBTI believe that knowing their MBTI type can help people better understand their characteristics, needs, and behavioral tendencies, so they can better manage their emotions and relationships.

Click here to take a free MBTI personality type test now


The Enneagram is a classification system based on spiritual and personality development designed and developed by Austin Hyde. It divides personality into nine types, each with its own unique psychological needs, motivations and behavioral tendencies. The nine types include:

  1. The Reformer
  2. The Helper
  3. The Achiever
  4. The Individualist
  5. The Investigator
  6. The Loyalist
  7. The Enthusiast
  8. The Challenger
  9. The Peacemaker

Each type has its own characteristics and tendencies, as well as psychological growth paths and unique coping mechanisms.

Different from MBTI, Enneagram emphasizes the intrinsic motivation and direction of psychological growth of personality types rather than the description of personality types. Each type has its own unique needs and psychological growth directions. By understanding these aspects, it can help people better understand themselves and others, and thus better understand and handle interpersonal relationships.

Click here to take a free Enneagram test now

How to use MBTI and Enneagram to understand your personality

Understanding our own personality can help us better understand our own needs, behavioral tendencies and psychological growth directions, so as to better handle interpersonal relationships and achieve personal goals. Here are some ways to use the MBTI and Enneagram to understand your personality:

  • Complete the MBTI and Enneagram tests: Completing these tests can help you determine your personality type and understand your characteristics and needs.
  • Read relevant materials and books: Learn about books and materials about your personality type, understand your characteristics and behavioral tendencies, and help you better understand yourself.
  • Self-reflection: Spend time thinking about your needs, motivations, and behavioral tendencies, think about your strengths and weaknesses, and think about how to improve your shortcomings.
  • Discuss with others: Sharing your personality type and the process of understanding yourself with others allows you to better understand yourself and learn from other people’s perspectives and experiences.

In short, understanding our own personality can help us better understand our own needs, behavioral tendencies and psychological growth directions, so as to better handle interpersonal relationships and achieve personal goals. MBTI and the Enneagram are two popular personality classification models that can help us understand ourselves and others. Completing tests, reading relevant materials and books, self-reflection, and discussions with others are all good ways to understand your personality.

How to use MBTI and Enneagram to improve yourself

Understanding our personality type not only helps us understand ourselves better, it can also help us improve ourselves. Here are some ways to use MBTI and the Enneagram to improve yourself:

  • Discover your own strengths and potential: Understanding your own strengths and potential can help us better utilize our strengths and achieve our goals.
  • Understand your own shortcomings: Understanding your own shortcomings can help us identify our blind spots and weaknesses and find solutions.
  • Learn how to get along with other people: Understanding different types of personalities can help us get along better with other people. We can improve our relationships by learning how to communicate and how to understand and respect different types of personalities.
  • Explore new development opportunities: Understanding your own personality type can help us discover your potential interests and career options. We can explore new opportunities for growth and development.


Understanding your own personality is an important task in life and helps us better understand ourselves, improve ourselves, and get along with others. MBTI and the Enneagram are two popular personality classification models that can help us understand ourselves and others. By completing tests, reading relevant materials and books, self-reflection, and discussions with others, we can better understand our personality type and our own characteristics. Ultimately, we can grow and develop ourselves by exploring our strengths and potential, understanding our weaknesses, learning how to get along with others, and exploring new development opportunities.

If you want to have a deeper understanding of MBTI personality types, you must not miss PsycTest’s MBTI Zone! Here, you can test your MBTI type for free, and there are also various exciting articles waiting for you to explore. PsycTest’s MBTI section will help you better understand yourself and others, master more interpersonal communication skills, and better move towards success and happiness. Let’s discover more exciting content together!

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/jM5XPo5L/

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