MBTI Cognitive Function: Ne Function-Explore Infinite Possibilities

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi.

Function Abbreviation Features
Extraverted Intuition Ne Divergent association; stay open and explore different possibilities; good at changing perspectives and looking at problems comprehensively
Introverted intuition Ni Binding association; seeking unchanging and common truths, trusting intuition; good at discovering the essence, and predicting the future accordingly
Extraverted Reality Se Objective Reality; seeks sensory stimulation and likes changes in the environment; is good at adapting to new environments and has keen observation skills
Introverted Reality Si Subjective Reality; retaining and ruminating on past memories, trusting experience; good at defending rules and conventions
Extraverted thinking Te Positivist logic; believe in facts and value results; good at standardizing processes, improving systems, and promoting progress
Introverted thinking Ti Skeptical logic; doubt facts and value principles; good at designing unique methods of doing things and adjusting them according to the situation
Extraverted Feeling Fe The emotions of the group; focus on consensus and emotional feedback between people; good at reading, persuading and influencing others
Introverted Feeling Fi Individual emotions; focuses on individuality, individual emotions and values; is good at taking on other people’s situations, sympathizing with and supporting the weak

MBTI theory holds that everyone has four main cognitive functions, which are the mental processes people use when perceiving and judging things. Two of them are sensing functions (Sensing or Intuition), two are judging functions (Thinking or Feeling), and each function has an extraverted or introverted tendency.

This article will focus on one of the perceptual functions - Extraverted Intuition, or Ne function for short. Ne function is the ability to perceive the possibilities and potential of the world. It can help us expand our horizons and knowledge, improve our creativity and flexibility, and increase our fun and satisfaction. This article will elaborate on the Ne function from the following aspects:

  • What are the characteristics of Ne function?
  • In which genres does the Ne function appear?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ne function?
  • How to develop and balance Ne function?

MBTI Cognitive Function: Extraverted Intuition

What are the characteristics of Ne function?

Strong curiosity

Ne function is full of curiosity about the world, always wants to know more information and knowledge, and constantly asks questions and explores. Ne function has a strong attraction to new things and likes to try different experiences and activities in search of excitement and fun. For example, when traveling, the Ne function will like to explore unknown places, experience different cultures, and meet different people, rather than just being satisfied with taking a quick look or following the steps.

Rich imagination

The Ne function has a rich imagination and can construct various hypotheses and scenarios to imagine what may happen in the future. The Ne function also likes to use metaphors, metaphors, humor and other techniques to express one’s ideas to increase interest and persuasion. For example, in writing, the Ne function will like to use vivid language and vivid examples to illustrate one’s opinions, rather than just using boring data or abstract concepts.

High creativity

Ne function is highly creative and able to generate many unique and valuable ideas and solve complex and difficult problems. Ne functions are also good at innovation and improvement, constantly looking for new methods and approaches to optimize existing systems and processes. For example, at work, the Ne function will like to challenge themselves and others and come up with novel and potential solutions, rather than just following established rules or patterns.

Strong openness

Ne function has a strong openness, is willing to accept and respect different opinions and values, and keeps one’s thinking flexible and diverse. Ne function is also willing to share one’s ideas and insights with others, seek feedback and suggestions, and communicate and cooperate effectively. For example, in learning, the Ne function will like to participate in various discussions and exchanges, listen to different opinions and experiences, rather than just believe in oneself or what authorities say.

In which types does the Ne function appear?

According to the MBTI theory, everyone has four main cognitive functions, one of which is the Dominant Function and the other is the Auxiliary Function. These two functions are our most commonly used and skilled functions. It is also the core of our personality types. There are also Tertiary Function and Inferior Function. These two functions are relatively weak, but they will also affect us to a certain extent.

Ne functions appear as dominant or auxiliary functions in the following four types:

ENTP (Extraverted Intuition-Introverted Thinking-Extroverted Feeling-Introverted Feeling)

Ne is the dominant function of ENTP, and Ti is the auxiliary function of ENTP. ENTP is an innovator type. They like to use Ne to explore various possibilities, use Ti to analyze and understand the principles of things, use Fe to communicate and collaborate with others, and use Si to review and summarize experiences. ENTP is a smart, resourceful, flexible, and versatile type. They are good at identifying problems and opportunities, proposing creative solutions, and promoting change and progress.

ENFP (Extroverted Intuition-Introverted Feeling-Extroverted Thinking-Introverted Feeling)

Ne is the dominant function of ENFP and Fi is the auxiliary function of ENFP. ENFP is an inspirational type. They like to use Ne to find novel and interesting things, use Fi to express and insist on their own values and emotions, use Te to organize and achieve their goals, and use Si to balance and stabilize their lives. ENFP is a warm, friendly, optimistic, and charming type. They are good at stimulating the potential of themselves and others, pursuing freedom and happiness, and spreading positive energy and joy.

INTP (Introverted Thinking - Extraverted Intuition - Introverted Feeling - Extraverted Feeling)

Ne is the auxiliary function of INTP, and Ti is the dominant function of INTP. INTP is a thinker type. They like to use Ti to build and improve their own theoretical systems, use Ne to find and explore new knowledge and information, use Si to accumulate and store their own experience and data, and use Fe to regulate and adapt to their emotions and interpersonal relationships. INTP is an intelligent, rational, curious, and independent type. They are good at analyzing and solving complex and abstract problems, pursuing truth and wisdom, and creating novel and valuable ideas.

INFP (Introverted Feeling-Extroverted Intuition-Introverted Feeling-Extroverted Thinking)

Ne is the auxiliary function of INFP, and Fi is the dominant function of INFP. INFP is an idealist type. They like to use Fi to explore and express their inner world, use Ne to find and create beautiful and meaningful things, use Si to cherish and reminisce about their memories and experiences, and use Te to plan and execute themselves. plan of. INFP is a gentle, kind, understanding, and compassionate type. They are good at using their imagination and creativity, pursuing self-realization and growth, and delivering love and beauty.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of Ne function?

Ne function, as a perceptual function, has many advantages and disadvantages. Here are some common advantages and disadvantages:


  • Ne function can help us see the meaning, connection and potential behind things, and increase our understanding and knowledge of the world.
  • The Ne function can help us explore various possibilities, find novel and creative ideas, and improve our innovation and problem-solving abilities.
  • Ne function can help us stay open, accept and respect different opinions and values, and improve our communication and cooperation skills.
  • Ne function can help us adapt and respond to changes and challenges, seek new and interesting things, and enrich our experience and fun.


  • Ne function may cause us to be distracted, have difficulty focusing on one thing, and be easily affected by external stimulation and interference.
  • Ne function can cause us to lack practicality, be overly idealistic and unrealistic, and ignore the limitations and difficulties of reality.
  • Ne function may cause us to lack planning and execution capabilities, find it difficult to put our ideas into action, and easily give up halfway or change our interests.
  • Ne function may cause us to lack stability and security, be difficult to be satisfied with the status quo and routine, and always want to seek new changes and challenges.

How to develop and balance Ne function?

Ne function is a useful and interesting function. It can help us expand our horizons and knowledge, improve our creativity and flexibility, and increase our fun and satisfaction. However, Ne function also needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve maximum effect. Here are some suggestions for developing and balancing Ne capabilities:

  • Communicate and interact with other people with Ne function, share your thoughts and insights, listen to their feedback and suggestions, and learn from their strengths and experiences.
  • Properly control your curiosity and impulse, set some goals and plans for yourself, implement your ideas according to certain steps and order, and avoid overly impulsive or irresponsible behavior.
  • Pay more attention to your own inner feelings and values, use Fi or Ti to filter and evaluate your ideas, and ensure that they comply with your own standards and principles. Do not blindly pursue novelty or creativity.
  • Pay more attention to your external environment and reality, use Si or Se to observe and collect facts and details about your situation, ensure that your ideas have sufficient basis and support, and do not ignore important information or evidence.


The Ne function is extraverted intuition, which is the ability to perceive the possibilities and potential of the world. Ne function is characterized by strong curiosity, rich imagination, high creativity, and strong openness. The Ne function appears as a dominant or auxiliary function in ENTP, ENFP, INTP, INFP and other types. Ne function has many advantages, such as increasing understanding, improving innovation, improving communication, etc. Ne function also has some disadvantages, such as distraction, lack of practicality, lack of execution, lack of stability, etc. Ne function needs to be coordinated and balanced with other functions to achieve maximum effect.

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