Dog whistle abuse: a type of psychological violence that leaves you provoked in public but unable to fight back!

Have you ever suffered from this kind of invisible psychological abuse?

Have you ever had the experience of having your loved one or partner say something seemingly harmless to you in public, but it made you feel extremely uncomfortable, wronged, and angry? And when you express your emotions, others misunderstand you as being unreasonable, sensitive, suspicious, and ignorant? If so, congratulations, you may have been the victim of an invisible form of psychological abuse - dog-whistle abuse.

Dog whistle abuse

What is dog-whistle abuse? It is a form of mental abuse that uses verbal cues and situational associations to stimulate the victim’s inner sensitive points. The abuser will say things in public that may sound normal to outsiders but are actually irritating to the victim based on certain premises that outsiders don’t know. These words are understood only by the abuser and the victim, just like a dog whistle that only dogs can hear, not humans. Therefore, when the victim is angry and upset, in the eyes of outsiders, he/she is unreasonable, sensitive and irritable, while the abuser becomes the innocent party.

For example: Suppose you are very concerned about a certain flaw of yours, such as height, figure, etc., and the ‘whistleblower’ around you is always sarcastic and mocking you in private. Over time, these sarcasms will be associated with specific statements or actions. . For example, every time he/she sees a tall or slim person, he/she will say ‘Wow, so tall’ or ‘so thin’, and then hint to you with eyes or gestures. If you get angry at this time, it will appear to outsiders that you are making a fuss out of a molehill. After all, he/she is just telling a fact. And he/she can pretend to be innocent and say ‘I just said it casually, I didn’t expect him/her to be so sensitive’, thereby passing the responsibility to you.

What are the dangers of dog-whistling abuse? First, it can severely damage the victim’s self-esteem and confidence. Because abusers always attack what the victim cares about most, making the victim feel that they are not good enough, not accepted, and not respected. Second, it can lead to tension and alienation in the victim’s relationship with the outside world. Because victims are often irritated or hurt by their abusers in public, thereby displaying inappropriate emotions and behaviors that may be misunderstood or disgusted by bystanders. Finally, it can cause psychological trauma and emotional disturbance in the victim. Because the victims have been in a state of being suppressed, isolated, and devalued for a long time, they are unable to receive effective support and solutions, leading to psychological problems such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

So, how do you respond to dog-whistle abuse? Here are some suggestions for you:

  • Don’t defend: Don’t defend your abuser’s accusations or suggestions, don’t give him/her the thrill of success, and don’t allow yourself to be passive.
  • Not explaining: Do not try to explain your thoughts or feelings to your abuser or bystanders, as they may not understand or believe you, and may even be used by the abuser to further attack you.
  • No participation: Do not participate in the abuser’s games, do not argue or argue with him/her, do not lower yourself to his/her level, and do not share any personal information or emotions with him/her.
  • Don’t blame yourself: Don’t doubt or blame yourself, don’t think there’s anything wrong with you or that you’re not good enough, and understand that this is the abuser’s problem, not yours.
  • Seek help: If you feel that you cannot escape the predicament of dog-whistling abuse, or have suffered serious psychological damage, please seek professional psychological counseling or treatment in time to allow yourself to receive appropriate support and healing.

Dog-whistle abuse is a form of invisible psychological violence that can cause profound harm to the victim. We should be alert to the possible abuse around us, protect ourselves and those around us, and stay away from this silent killer.

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