MBTI 16 personality types advanced personality profile + free MBTI test address

Have you ever felt like you were different, not understood, or didn’t understand others? Have you ever wondered what your personality type is? Do you want to understand how different personality types affect your career choices, relationships, lifestyle, and values? Do you want to explore your strengths and potential, and how to get along and work with other personality types?

If you are interested in the above questions, then you must not miss the advanced personality profile of MBTI’s 16 personality types. This is a set of personality analysis tools based on MBTI theory and extensive research, which can help you gain a deeper understanding of yourself and others, and improve self-awareness and social skills.

MBTI Advanced Personality Profile

The advanced personality profiles for each personality type we publish on PsycTest’s WeChat public account include the following:

  • Personality Introduction: Detailed description and analysis of the basic characteristics of each personality type.
  • Characters: List some famous animation characters, literary characters, film and television characters, etc. with this personality type, so that you can more intuitively understand the performance and influence of this personality type.
  • Strengths and Weaknesses: Detailed introduction to the strengths and weaknesses of each personality
  • Personality Type-A: Distinguish and compare the two variants of each personality type, allowing you to more accurately understand your own personality tendencies and differences, and introduces Type A personality in detail.
  • Personality Type-T: Distinguish and compare the two variants of each personality type, allowing you to more accurately understand your own personality tendencies and differences, and introduces T-type personality in detail.
  • Career Matching: Based on the characteristics, interests, abilities, etc. of each personality type, recommend some career fields and positions suitable for that personality type, as well as some aspects that need attention and improvement.
  • Interpersonal Relationships and Compatibility: Based on the performance of each personality type in communication, cooperation, conflict, etc., analyze the love relationships of this personality type, the way of getting along with other personality types and the quality of relationships, as well as some aspects that can be improved Tips and Strategies for Relationships and Effectiveness.
  • Celebrities: List some well-known contemporary politicians, entrepreneurs, artists, scientists, etc. with this personality type to give you a deeper understanding of the achievements and contributions of this personality type.
  • Enneagram: Discuss the relationship between each personality type and the Enneagram theory, giving you a more comprehensive understanding of your own psychological dynamics and development path.
  • Interests and Hobbies: Based on the preferences, style, needs, etc. of each personality type, we recommend some leisure activities and entertainment methods suitable for that personality type, so that you can enjoy life and relax yourself more.
  • Personal Growth: Based on the potential, goals, challenges, etc. of each personality type, some methods and resources are provided to help that personality type improve itself, giving you more motivation and confidence to realize your dreams.
  • Dark Side of Personality: Reveals the negative behaviors and psychology that may occur in each personality type under pressure, dilemma, loss of control, etc., and how to prevent and overcome these problems.

In order to make it easier for everyone to find and read the 16 advanced personality profiles we have published, we provide you with a summary here. You can click to view the advanced personality profiles for each personality type, and select the ones you are interested in or want to know more about. Article to read.

These articles are paid to read, but we believe this is a worthwhile investment because you can get a lot of useful information and inspiration from them, helping you better understand yourself, realize your potential, and improve your relationships. , improve your own happiness. Advanced personality profiles are more detailed and more advanced than free interpretations. While enjoying free testing services, if you feel that our services have been helpful to you, you can also choose to pay to read them if you are willing. Come and support us, this is our greatest support and encouragement.

If you want to learn more about your own and other people’s personality types, and how to leverage your strengths and improve your weaknesses, then don’t miss your Advanced Personality Profile, which will provide you with the most comprehensive and in-depth analysis and guidance.

If you want to become a better version of yourself, get along and cooperate with others better, and choose a career and lifestyle that suits you better, then please unlock your own advanced personality profile!

  1. INTJ Advanced Personality File
  2. INTP Advanced Personality Profile
  3. ENTJ Advanced Personality File
  4. ENTP Advanced Personality Profile
  5. INFJ Advanced Personality File
  6. INFP Advanced Personality File
  7. ENFJ Advanced Personality File
  8. ENFP Advanced Personality File
  9. ISTJ Advanced Personality File
  10. ISFJ Advanced Personality File
  11. ESTJ Advanced Personality File
  12. ESFJ Advanced Personality File
  13. ISTP Advanced Personality File
  14. ISFP Advanced Personality File
  15. ESTP Advanced Personality File
  16. ESFP Advanced Personality File

We also welcome everyone to leave your comments and feedback after reading, share your understanding and feelings about yourself or others, as well as the gains and inspirations you got from the article. We hope that through this platform, more people can enjoy the benefits of MBTI theory, so that more people can find their own position, realize their dreams, and have their own happiness.

Why should we understand MBTI?

MBTI is a method of classifying human psychological types proposed by psychologist Carl Jung and later developed by mother-daughter duo Katherine Briggs Myers and Isabel Briggs Myers. further development and improvement. MBTI theory believes that personality type can be determined from four basic dimensions:

  • Extraversion (E)-Introversion (I): Refers to whether an individual pays more attention to stimulation from the external environment or internal reactions and thoughts.
  • Sensing (S)-Intuition (N): Refers to the way an individual obtains information, either through the senses (such as vision, hearing) or through reasoning and intuition.
  • Thinking (T)-Emotion (F): Refers to the way an individual makes decisions, either through logical analysis and objective criteria or through personal values and subjective feelings.
  • Judgment (J) - Perception (P): Refers to the way an individual approaches life, either by planning and organizing life or by living flexibly and openly.

Each dimension consists of two opposing levels, combined into 16 personality types. Each personality type has its own characteristics, strengths, weaknesses, career matches, relationships, and compatibility aspects.

Understanding MBTI can help you:

  • Understand yourself deeply: You can discover your personality tendencies, behavior patterns, motivations, values, strengths and potentials, etc., thereby improving self-awareness and self-acceptance.
  • Improve relationships with others: You can understand the characteristics, needs, communication styles, conflict handling methods, etc. of different personality types, thereby enhancing understanding and respect with others and improving communication and cooperation efficiency.
  • Choose a career that suits you: You can choose career fields and positions that are highly compatible with you based on your personality tendencies, hobbies, work style, career goals, etc., so as to achieve career satisfaction and development.
  • Promote personal growth: You can discover your potential weaknesses, blind spots, confusions, etc., thereby seeking effective solutions and resources to improve your abilities and qualities.

Free MBTI Personality Test

If you don’t know your personality type yet, or want to retest whether your personality type has changed, PsycTest provides you with multiple versions of the FREE MBTI personality test to meet different needs and time constraints. We have carefully prepared the following versions for you to choose from:

Extremely fast trial version (12 questions)

If you are limited on time but still want to get a brief MBTI personality type assessment, this version is the best option for you. By answering just 12 questions, you’ll be able to get preliminary personality type hints.

Test address: www.psyctest.cn/t/MV5g7W5w/

Simple version (28 questions)

This version provides a more comprehensive scope of the problem while remaining concise. After answering 28 questions, you will get a more detailed personality type result and understand your main preferences and tendencies.

Test address: www.psyctest.cn/t/yQGLoRdj/

Classic version (72 questions)

If you want a more comprehensive personality test, we recommend choosing the Classic version. This version consists of 72 questions covering a wider range of personality traits and cognitive functions. Through this test, you will get a more detailed and accurate analysis of your personality type.

Test address: www.psyctest.cn/t/aW54O6Gz/

Standard version (93 questions)

This version is a more in-depth and comprehensive MBTI personality test. By answering 93 questions, you will gain more details and insights about yourself, providing a deeper understanding of your personality traits and behavioral preferences.

Test address: www.psyctest.cn/t/nyGE8Ddj/

Professional version (145 questions)

For those who have higher requirements for their personality type, we recommend choosing the professional version. This version contains 145 questions and provides the most comprehensive and accurate personality type analysis through more detailed and precise assessments.

Test address: www.psyctest.cn/t/MV5go45w/

For more MBTI related content, please visit the PsycTest MBTI area: www.psyctest.cn/mbti/

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/KAGk7bGP/

If the original article is reprinted, please indicate the author and the source in the form of this link.

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