How to get through the low points in life

In life, we will all encounter some difficulties and setbacks, and sometimes we may even fall into a trough and feel disappointed and desperate. How should we respond in this situation? People’s Daily shared 9 tips to help us get out of the trough and regain hope and motivation. Below, I will introduce these methods in detail to you.

**First, go to bed early and get up early, have a regular schedule, and maintain a positive attitude. ** Sleep is one of the most important physiological needs of the human body. It can help us restore energy, improve immunity, enhance memory and creativity. If we go to bed late and get up late, or stay up late without rest, it will lead to physical and mental fatigue and disorder, affecting our emotions and judgment. Therefore, we should develop good sleeping habits, ensure 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep every day, and get up early in the morning to welcome a new day. At the same time, we must also maintain a positive attitude, not be troubled by negative emotions, but believe in our ability to overcome difficulties and meet challenges.

**Second, find an outlet for your emotions, don’t be controlled by your emotions, and learn to accept reality. ** When we encounter a trough, it is easy to have some negative emotions, such as anger, sadness, anxiety, fear, etc. If these emotions are not released in time, they will accumulate in our hearts and form pressure and burden. Therefore, we need to find some suitable ways to express and release our emotions, such as talking to relatives and friends, writing diaries, painting, listening to music, watching movies, etc. At the same time, we must also learn to control our emotions and not let them affect our rationality and decision-making. We must accept the problems and difficulties that exist in reality and find solutions.

**Third, find your own hobbies and do things you like to bring yourself happiness and security. ** There is a saying that goes well, ‘Interest is the best teacher.’ When we have our own hobbies, we will have the motivation and passion to devote ourselves to it, and gain happiness and satisfaction from it. Hobbies can be anything we are interested in, such as sports, reading, traveling, photography, programming, etc. By doing what we like, we can improve our skills and abilities and give ourselves a sense of security and confidence.

**Fourth, stay awake and think, don’t follow blindly, continue to learn, and avoid detours. ** During the low period, we may be influenced or tempted by the outside world and make some wrong or impulsive choices. For example, chasing some illusory or unrealistic goals, participating in some dangerous or illegal activities, indulging in some useless or harmful entertainment, etc. These choices may allow us to temporarily forget our worries or gain excitement, but they may bring us greater trouble or regret. Therefore, we must stay clear-headed and think, not blindly follow or follow the crowd, but continue to learn and make progress, and avoid detours or going astray.

**Fifth, review and reflect, learn from the pain, make changes, and improve yourself. ** The trough period is often our best opportunity to grow, because it allows us to see our strengths and weaknesses, recognize our mistakes and shortcomings, and stimulate our potential and potential. We should not view downturns as a punishment or failure, but as a challenge or opportunity. We need to review and reflect on our own experiences and behaviors, draw lessons and inspirations from them, and make corresponding changes and adjustments. We must use the downturn to improve our quality and level and prepare for the future.

**Sixth, set goals, don’t delay, take the first step to realize your dreams. ** Only when you have a goal, you have a direction; when you have a direction, you have motivation. When we have a clear and specific goal, we will have a sense of responsibility and mission to achieve it, and gain a sense of accomplishment and happiness from it. A goal can be anything we want to achieve or accomplish, such as exams, work, starting a business, fitness, etc. When setting goals, we must follow the SMART principle, that is, the goals must be Specific (specific), Measurable (measurable), Achievable (achievable), **R **elevant (relevant) and Time-bound (time-bound) characteristics. After setting a goal, we should take action immediately without procrastination or making excuses, and work relentlessly until we realize our dreams.

**Seventh, keep reading, increase your knowledge and wisdom, and have the power to fight against suffering. ** Reading is the simplest and most effective way of learning. It can broaden our horizons, increase our knowledge, improve our wisdom, and cultivate our character. Through reading, we can learn about all kinds of people and things and get inspiration from them. Reading can also help us find comfort and companionship during low times, and give us the strength and courage to fight against suffering. There are no restrictions on the type and content of reading. We can choose books as long as they are beneficial or interesting to us. There is no fixed time and place for reading, you can do it whenever you have free time or are in the mood.

**Eighth, exercise more to maintain a healthy body, adjust your mental state, and heal your body and mind. ** Exercise is the most natural and effective way of health care. It can keep us healthy and prevent various diseases. Exercise also allows us to release stress and tension and adjust our mental state. Exercise also allows us to produce substances called “endorphins,” which can make us feel happy and comfortable, and heal physical and mental trauma. There is no fixed method and intensity of exercise. You can choose any exercise that suits you and can bring results.

**Ninth, believe that the trough is not the end, but a new beginning. If you get over it, you will see the stars. ** Finally, we must have an optimistic and strong belief that the trough is only a stage in our life, not the whole of our life. Lows don’t mean we’re a failure or incompetent, they just mean we need more effort and growth. Lows don’t mean we have no hope or future, they just mean we need more courage and opportunities. Lows also don’t mean we’re alone or helpless, they just mean we need more support and love. As long as we persist, we will definitely see the starlight after the trough, and we will surely usher in the beauty beyond the trough.

Lows in life are inevitable, but they are not to be feared. As long as we adopt correct and effective methods, we can get out of the trough and regain hope and motivation.

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