Psychological test: Test your shadow personality

Character/Personality 1 1 minute 14

In addition to the “manifest personality” shown in front of everyone, everyone also has a “shadow personality” that is closer to the heart. Shadow personality refers to the unknown side of a person’s heart, including those parts that are suppressed, forgotten or ignored by oneself or social values. It is composed of unconscious psychology and is often related to factors such as personal experience, cultural background, living environment, social cognition and values. The characteristics of the shadow personality may be completely different from a person’s surface personality. For example, a person who appears kind and gentle may have a strong inner aggressiveness; a person who has always been optimistic and open-minded may also have an introverted and melancholic side. These inner qualities and impulses are often suppressed outside human consciousness and can be released at any time in specific situations. Understanding and accepting your own shadow personality can help people better understand their emotions, behaviors, and thoughts, and promote personal growth and development. At the same time, it can also help people better understand others and enhance the interactive effect of interpersonal relationships. Underneath your petite appearance, do you have a strong heart? Come and test the shadow personality hidden deep in your heart!

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