The pessimist is always right, the optimist always moves forward!

The pessimist is always right, the optimist always moves forward!

Pessimists are always right, optimists always move forward!

This quote expresses the philosophical view that pessimists tend to be able to foresee possible problems and challenges, so their concerns are justified to some extent. Optimists, however, choose to keep moving forward, regardless of the difficulties ahead, believing that a solution to the problem can be found. This attitude helps drive personal and social progress.

In real life, both attitudes have their value. The alertness of a pessimist helps us avoid risks, while the positivity of an optimist encourages us to face challenges and constantly try new possibilities. Ideally, we can combine these two attitudes, being able to carefully assess risks while maintaining a positive attitude to overcome difficulties.

The psychological and behavioral patterns of pessimists and optimists

There are significant differences in the mental models of pessimists and optimists. Pessimists tend to focus on the negative side of things. This pattern of thinking may stem from childhood experiences or long-term psychological habits and is often characterized by permanent, pervasive, and personified characteristics. This makes them prone to feeling helpless and hopeless in the face of difficulties. On the contrary, optimists pay more attention to the positive aspects and will not worry too much about temporary success or failure or the ups and downs of life. They maintain a positive attitude when facing challenges and do not give up easily.

Psychologists point out that these mental patterns are malleable. Pessimists can learn to shift to optimistic thinking through methods such as cognitive therapy to ward off depression and negative emotions. Pessimists tend to have a negative view, believe that misfortune and pain are inevitable, have a pessimistic attitude towards the future, and feel powerless against challenges. Optimists see the bright side of life, stay positive even when encountering difficulties, and are not discouraged by short-term setbacks, but seek solutions.

In short, pessimists tend to expect the worst outcomes and feel anxious; optimists expect the best outcomes and work hard for them. This affects an individual’s mood, behavior, decision-making, stress coping and life satisfaction, as well as interactions with the world.

The decision-making process of pessimism and the innovative change of optimism

Pessimism in decision-making can lead to over-caution and missed positive opportunities. Emotions influence decision-making, and pessimism may bias people toward loss-loss options and ignore long-term gains. Faced with uncertainty, pessimists choose conservative plans to avoid negative consequences. However, pessimism and caution in high-stakes decisions can help avoid major mistakes.

Optimism drives innovation and change. Optimists see opportunities in challenges and seek growth and success even in the face of adversity. They are willing to accept changes, adopt new technologies, try different business models, and promote industrial development. Optimism inspires team spirit, and optimistic leaders deliver positive energy, promote creativity and knowledge sharing, and accelerate innovation. Optimists are resilient, view failures as learning opportunities, and drive long-term goals and change.

Optimism encourages trying new things and pursuing innovation with positive expectations, becoming an important force in social and economic change.

Pessimists in history and reality, optimistic stories of celebrities

There are many famous people in history and real life who are considered pessimists. For example:

  • Schopenhauer: German philosopher, considered a representative figure of pessimistic philosophy.
  • Osamu Dazai: Japanese writer whose work ‘Disqualification in the World’ expresses a profound pessimism.
  • Ernest Hemingway: American writer, whose works such as ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ often show pessimism.
    -Martin Seligman: Although he is the father of positive psychology, he considers himself a natural pessimist.

Through their works and thoughts, these characters demonstrate deep reflection on life and understanding of human nature. Pessimism doesn’t always mean negativity, sometimes it can lead to deeper thinking about life.

Many celebrities have demonstrated remarkable optimism in the face of adversity. Their stories inspire us to stay positive and hopeful in the face of difficulties and challenges. for example:

  • Hawking: Despite being diagnosed with ALS and told he had only two to three years to live, Hawking continued his scientific work and became one of the most distinguished theoretical physicists.
  • Ji Xianlin: Even though he suffered difficulties during the ‘Cultural Revolution’, he still persisted in translating the Indian epic ‘Ramayana’ and completed the book ‘Miscellaneous Memories of the Cowshed’, showing his optimism and tenacity.
  • Su Shi: Although his official career was troubled, Su Shi always took things easy and maintained an optimistic attitude no matter where he was. He used poetry to express his free and unrestrained mood and optimistic attitude towards life.

The stories of these celebrities tell us that even in difficult moments, we must believe in ourselves, face life with optimism, and bravely pursue our dreams and goals. Their experiences prove that optimism is not only a state of mind, but also a force that can change destiny.

Spinoza and Freud’s views on optimism and pessimism

Spinoza’s determinism believes that everything follows the laws of nature, so optimism and pessimism are just people’s different attitudes towards the inevitable development of things. Spinoza believed that through rational understanding of the world, people can achieve a state of harmonious coexistence with nature, thus transcending optimism or pessimism in the traditional sense.

Freud’s psychoanalytic theory believes that optimism and pessimism are determined by an individual’s unconscious psychological dynamics and past experiences. Freud believed that human beings are driven by instinctive desires, which often conflict with social norms, leading to inner conflict and dissatisfaction, thus forming a pessimistic worldview. His views are somewhat pessimistic because he believes that it is difficult for humans to achieve true and lasting happiness. However, Freud also believed that through psychological analysis, people can understand their own unconscious conflicts and gain better self-understanding and mental health.

Research data from psychology and sociology

A study conducted in Australia found that pessimism was associated with an increased risk of death, but optimism had no protective effect on longevity. The study involved healthy twins over the age of 50 and assessed their levels of optimism and pessimism using the Life Orientation Test (LOT scale). Findings showed that pessimism scores were associated with all-cause and cardiovascular disease mortality, whereas optimism scores were not significantly associated with total or cause-specific mortality.

Use the Life Orientation Test (LOT Scale) Online Assessment to assess your level of optimism and pessimism:

Another British study found that realists (neither optimists nor pessimists) tended to have the highest subjective well-being and happiness in the long run. This suggests that, regardless of pessimism or optimism, false expectations can reduce happiness.

Personal stories and testimonials

I am a pessimist, and my lover is an optimist. Although we look at many things, although we are the same thing, our attitudes are completely different. For example, before I lost my job, I always thought that it might be difficult for me to find a satisfactory job after I lost my job, but my wife always thought that I could find a better job based on my ability. I always thought that going to work was not an option and that I would be unemployed one day, so I prepared in advance for possible unemployment and worked hard to develop my own side business and made a good income. When I really faced unemployment, I chose to become a freelance independent developer. The lover always strives to devote himself to work and is appreciated by the leader. Another example is that my wife is always optimistic and believes that the assets he invests will definitely rise, and he invests all the income calmly and holds it firmly. However, I am relatively conservative and only use part of it for investment, and have prepared a share for the two of us. People with zero income can still live in first-tier cities as usual for a year with bank deposits.

This experience may be inspiring to you. It truly shows how pessimism and optimism affect personal decision-making and life paths. There are many similar stories shared on the Internet. These stories tell us that whether it is optimistic or pessimistic, each attitude has its value and function. The key lies in how to find a balance and use the advantages of each attitude to guide our lives. My partner’s and my different attitudes may just be what complements each other. My pessimism allowed me to prepare in advance and develop a side business, while my partner’s optimism brought about a positive impact at work. This balance may just be the key to maintaining a stable and harmonious life.


In a world full of uncertainty, both pessimism and optimism play important roles. Pessimism keeps us alert and avoids the risks of blind optimism; while optimism is what drives us forward and helps us find hope and opportunities in adversity. As you and your loved one’s story illustrates, a balance of two attitudes can bring harmony to your personal and professional lives. We don’t have to completely abandon pessimism, nor should we overindulge in optimism, but we should learn to find the right balance between the two.

Ultimately, no matter which attitudes we choose, the key is how we use them to guide our actions and decisions. By recognizing the value of both pessimism and optimism, we can better cope with life’s challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve personal growth. Let us accept the diversity of life with an open mind and use wisdom and courage to create a better future. Pessimists and optimists have their reasons, but in the end, it’s those who can find a balance between the two who can truly move the world forward. Let us all be those who find wisdom in pessimism and strength in optimism. 🌟

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