Tips on how to deal with the 6 most common questions in job-hopping interviews to ensure a safe pass

There are hundreds of interview questions! It also includes ‘Self-introduction for the interview’, ‘Reason for leaving’, ‘What are your strengths and weaknesses’, ‘Why did you choose a cross-industry, non-original position’, ‘Why should I recruit you’, ‘Do you have any other questions? ‘There are almost six challenges that interviewers must ask. How to answer them so that they will not turn into a disaster of accidentally stepping on taboos?’ Let’s take a look at how the six interview techniques can resolve the above-mentioned extremely difficult questions.

Question 1: Interview self-introduction

Subtext: I want to get to know you quickly and listen to your oral expression skills

The interview self-introduction will be the first level of the interview. Please don’t feel embarrassed to talk about your ‘great achievements’. Just treat it as you are stating facts one by one and faithfully present your achievements.

The interview self-introduction should not be too long or too short, and should be kept within 3 to 5 minutes. In terms of interview skills, the content of the resume can be adapted, which is the structure of the basic content of ‘self-introduction for the interview’. And there are three major scoring areas for interview self-introduction: articulation, response to needs, and laying the groundwork.

Interview Tips

  • Good articulation: present multiple speaking exercises, do not speak too fast, and the voice should be clear.
  • Directly respond to needs: Show the professionalism and momentum of job requirements.
  • Indirectly lay the groundwork: Let the interviewer ask questions based on your foreshadowing, and let the other party ask you what you have prepared in advance.

Interview situation drama

The online marketing team leader of a beverage brand headquarters applied for the job of community operations director of a large coffee shop group.

Interview self-introduction example

1. Say hello + introduce current position: (The trick is to ‘simplify and guide’)

‘I am xxx. I am currently a marketing specialist for the AAA chain of hand-cranked beverage stores. I am mainly responsible for Douyin, Weibo operations and cooperation with other merchants.’

2. Key achievements: (The trick is to “closely focus on the needs of this job vacancy: community operations positions”)

“Our community is mainly about communicating with consumers and focusing on Weibo operations.”

‘In the product section, in order to create more marketing selling points and product performance, we discuss the development of new flavors for the next season with the product department across departments every quarter. In response to the high popularity of gradient and fruit-based drinks on the Internet, I have worked in 2022 In the spring of last year, we provided seasonal sliced fruits xxx combined with yyy’s summer creative drink proposal. Later, it was not only officially launched in June, but also became the sales champion and popular topic in the community that month. At that time, the total number of topics on Weibo exceeded xxxx.”

‘In the online marketing part, we also invited xxx convenience store to extend our sliced fruit xxx drink into a series of tea dessert products, turning it into an afternoon tea set, which has attracted more than 30 food celebrity bloggers. Douyin short video introduces our creative afternoon tea set with hand shakes.”

3. Lay the groundwork:

“After this proposal, the large-scale summer projects that were led by the merchandise department in the past have also allowed the marketing community to join in the initial overall strategic focus. Combining the respective majors of the marketing department and the merchandise department, our marketing resources for seasonal projects have been more Rich and thick.”

When the interviewer hears the key content, he will immediately think that ’this project was successful enough to adjust the company’s established work processes, indicating outstanding performance.’ Therefore, he may then ask and compare last year’s/this year’s performance and network data to further confirm your strength. . At this time, the level of ‘interview self-introduction’ has been broken away, and the representative is ready to officially enter the interview content.

Additional screening on the same scene: other tips

In addition, if the interviewer later asks about ’the thing you are most proud of in your career’, you can also repeat the incident again, or if the interviewer is asked about ‘your strengths’, you can use the phrase ‘I am good at integrating resources, Combining the needs of different departments of the team, we will integrate a solution that is most suitable for our brand.” Let the same story connect the past and the future.

Question 2: “Why did you leave your last job?”

Subtext: I want to confirm whether you are ’the person I want’ based on the reason for leaving your job.

Judging from this interview question about the reason for leaving the job, the interviewer wants to confirm that the candidate in front of him is ’not a trouble maker’, so as to avoid many communication problems with the team soon after joining the job, or even resigning in the short term. , so you have to spend more time on future recruitment work. Whether you are a direct supervisor or a human resource, you are burdened with these recruitment risks.

However, to use a classic saying about the reasons for resignation: ‘The money was not paid in place; the heart was wronged.’ Another saying is that ’the resignation of an employee is probably related to the immediate supervisor.’ Therefore, the reasons for resignation are roughly the same. For that matter, how should you answer interview questions in a tactful and low-risk way?

In view of the fact that ’the work is too busy’ and ’the salary is too low’ may be interpreted by the interviewer as ’the work is inefficient, so I am often busy and have to work overtime’, ’the professional ability is not high, so the salary is not high’, therefore, it is recommended to start from the interview skills Answer the reasons for your resignation based on the larger picture, such as the industrial environment, changes in social consumption habits, changes in the human resources market, etc.

Interview Tips

1. Industry prospects:

Narrating the dilemma of industry prospects or the general environment proves that you want to find a company with more stable operations in all aspects of the company.

2. Don’t say bad things:

Avoid speaking ill of your previous company, otherwise the interviewer will think that you will do the same to the company in the future.

3. Additional tips:

Large companies may have personnel conduct a background check on the applicant’s former company supervisor. This is usually a simple telephone interview with the applicant’s former supervisor to confirm whether the applicant has any poor performance. Therefore, it is necessary to leave the job before leaving. Avoid getting into trouble with your former immediate supervisor.

Question 3: ‘What do you think your shortcomings are?’

Subtext: I want to know if you have the ability to recognize your shortcomings and how you can improve them.

It is really difficult for people to recognize their own shortcomings, or even if they know it, it is difficult to correct them. Therefore, the answers to interview questions need to grasp the ’true definition of shortcomings’, and the interviewer will never ask questions without reason (note: excluding inexperienced interviewers, it is true that they may be too nervous and unprepared to act casually. Ask a question), you have to be careful not to be too direct or too thin in your response.

Interview Tips

  1. Avoid talking about your personality flaws because they are difficult to correct. For example, I have an impatient personality, I have a bad temper, etc.
  2. When responding to interview questions, avoid giving short answers as this will make it appear that you are not prepared for the interview.
  3. Use the concept of “unpacking gifts” and think in advance about how to “package” your shortcomings.
  4. Please give a timeline to the shortcomings that are being prepared for ‘packaging’ and tell a very short story that contains the past, present, and future, and there is an Easter egg hidden in the process.

Interview Example: Make good use of the concept of opening gifts

For example: ‘In my last job, I found that when I was faced with a large number of urgent items from the company, I often felt that I didn’t have enough time and needed to work overtime. Because my supervisor mentioned that my work efficiency was pretty good, I would work as soon as there were urgent items. Will ask me first if I am available. ”

‘At that time, I thought that I should try my best to complete the tasks assigned by my supervisor. I was embarrassed to say ’no’ to my supervisor, so I took up every urgent matter. But later I found out that I might have been delayed until the cross-border period because of handling the urgent matters from my supervisor. General work matters of the department.”

‘Although my colleagues in other departments said that their cases were not urgent at the time, I immediately realized that in the future I should first report my current work progress and priorities to my supervisor, and ask my supervisor to determine the schedule and do a good job of ‘upward communication’. Then I asked if I could ‘communicate across departments’. After that re-planning, I not only quickly completed the supervisor’s urgent tasks, but also assisted the supervisor in re-planning the team’s work schedule, which will help distribute urgent tasks evenly to less busy colleagues in the future. . This incident made me understand the necessity of prior communication, so in the future, our entire team will make such adjustments when receiving urgent cases, instead of just handling a single urgent case.”

Past: I didn’t dare to say “no” to my supervisor; there was always not enough time to handle urgent matters, which delayed the progress of other projects.

Easter egg: My work efficiency is high.

Now: Communicate vertically and horizontally with supervisors and different units in advance.

Future: Assist the supervisor to establish SOP. In the future, the entire team will benefit and the company will operate more smoothly.

Advanced bonus questions

The interview process is not just about responding to questions. During the process, you can also proactively ask the interviewer: ‘How did the team handle similar situations in the past? Was there a coordinator responsible for adjusting the entire work process?’ And express that you have experience in handling similar problems and that you have sufficient ability. By doing vertical and horizontal communication, you can apply this experience to future company operations.

Question 4: ‘Why do you want to change industries/positions?’

Subtext: I want to know what kind of resources and new thinking you bring into the company, and I also want to confirm whether you are ready?

As long as it is not the original industry or the original job system, this question will definitely be asked at the end of the interview. It can almost be said to be a must! Therefore, job seekers who want to change careers must rehearse in their minds many times.

Whether it is direct supervisors or human resources, when recruiting talents, most people will start with people who are engaged in related industries and have relevant job experience. Once you, as an ‘outsider’, successfully attract the company with your resume, it will prove how the company treats you. It is quite interesting to combine past work experience and apply it to future positions.

Interest means high expectations, so once the question is not answered well, or the answer is too thin, superficial and without vision, they may tend to choose ‘insiders’ interviewed at the same time. At least people in the industry may have richer knowledge about the industrial ecology, and their workplace stability may be relatively high.

In order to compete with the ‘insiders’, you must answer more beautifully!

Interview Tips:

Situation 1: Different industries, similar positions, such as waiter at a Japanese restaurant -> waiter at a high-end Japanese restaurant

Emphasis on continuation of experience. Emphasize that the level of job capabilities is the same, and past experience, industry knowledge or network resources can be carried over to the new company.

Situation 2: Same industry, different vacancies, for example, from real estate agency business -> real estate agency network marketing specialist

Emphasis on learning ability. Emphasize that you understand the industry ecology, you can get started quickly and shorten the work adjustment period, and explain how you have the opportunity to learn professional abilities beyond your original position.

Situation 3: Different industries, different job openings, for example, from cram school English teacher -> website front-end engineer, or from department store sales staff -> graphic visual designer

Emphasis on strong enthusiasm + self-learning ability. Emphasize your high enthusiasm for this position and acquire professional skills beyond your original position through self-study or further study.

Question 5: ‘Why should I admit you?’

Subtext: I would like to know what advantages and disadvantages you have observed about our company, and what suggestions do you have?

Usually in the middle and later stages of the interview, the interviewer will most likely treat this question as the ‘big devil’ question. After listening to your above introduction and reply, the interviewer has basically made a rough decision on whether to appoint or admit you. If your previous performance was poor, then this question has a good chance of turning the tide and turning defeat into victory. On the other hand, if you performed well in the previous questions, you will have a chance to get a higher score on this question, which is enough to defeat other competitors and show your in-depth research on the job and your future insights.

Interview situation drama

The online marketing team leader of a beverage brand headquarters applied for the job of community operations director of a large coffee shop group.

Interview Tips

Reason 1: Past——First talk about the shortcomings and regrets you observed**

‘I have observed that your company’s current Weibo operation status is a little pity. Most of the content is product announcements, which results in low likes on the overall posts and poor interaction effects. Overall, it has affected the perception of the brand. Observation A week later, I found that there were no limited-time activities to interact with netizens, and the icon pattern on the top Weibo post was not specially designed to fit the size.”

Just click to the end, don’t say too much; talk about the general direction first, and then the small details; the general direction proves that you have foresight, and the small details prove that you are observant.

Reason 2: Now - let’s talk about your professional abilities and successful experience

‘Based on the seasonal fruit drink products I planned before, the products will be widely exposed on Weibo through the online marketing platform. I believe that when I join the team in the future, the company will also have the opportunity to obtain a large number of interactive responses in presenting community operations. At the same time, it will increase The content of the post unit makes the community account not only an announcement, but also an extension of the brand spirit and coffee taste.”

End: The future – vision and observations

‘After all, coffee is still one of the drinks that office workers must drink every day, and it has great potential consumption power and influence. If we can make product changes in American style and latte, then we have a good chance to compete with other companies. Brands make market differences and distance ourselves from competing products.”

Question 6: ‘Do you have any other questions?’

Subtext: The interview is about to end~

Waiting for the last question! If you are successful, the interviewer may ask you about the time schedule for the second and third interviews, or even directly ask you, ‘When can you start working at the earliest?’, ‘Are you still interviewing for positions in other companies?’ and so on. Ask questions head-on.

Tips for cracking

At this time, you have two major directions to ask questions. One is to ask about salary and benefits, and the other is to ’treat the interviewer as the interviewee.’ It is recommended that you conduct an ‘interview’ after asking about salary and benefits. For example, ask the interviewer: ‘Why are you opening this position?’, ‘How long have you been working in this company? Why do you like this company?’, ‘As far as you know, what are the difficulties and advantages of the company’s current situation that you have observed? ?‘And other issues. It helps you better understand the operating conditions of this company, and of course, it can also reconfirm whether you like this company.

Is it suitable for you to change jobs now?

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