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Have you fallen in love with him/her? Let’s take a test

Love/Relationship 4 2 minute 1
Loving someone is a wonderful feeling. It will make your heart beat faster, your mood fluctuate, and it will also make you feel happy. However, sometimes we are not sure whether we really like someone, and this is when we need to take some tests to help us better understand our feelings. Falling in love with someone is like being at odds with yourself. You are cautious and don't dare to admit it...

Career Peak Test: What height will your career reach?

If the orange grows in Huainan, it becomes tangerine, and if it grows in the north of Huaihe, it becomes tangerine. Similarly, a person's achievements vary greatly under different circumstances. In the workplace, if you fail to find your best position, you may end up going in the wrong direction and your hero will be useless. As the saying goes, people go to higher places and water flows to lower...

Fun psychological test: Test what you are avoiding

Life/hobbies 2 1 minute 1
Avoidance psychology is the psychological phenomenon of being unable to consciously resolve conflicts and conflicts with society and others in real life, and sometimes choosing to avoid them. Escape is a manifestation of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, which is understandable in itself. However, the problem is that many people are addicted to seeking advantages and avoiding disadva...

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