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Straight male level identification test

Life/interesting 15 2 minute 1
Want to know how far you’ve come on the road to being straight? No matter you are more talented than Zijian or as handsome as Pan An; you are a young man or an old man, this test will clear up the clouds and let you know your straightness index. Please do not ask for help from girlfriends, best friends, female classmates, etc. while this test is in progress. This will help make the test results mo...

Why can't you get a girlfriend?

Love/Relationship 3 1 minute
Do you want to have a girlfriend? Have you never been able to get a girlfriend? Do you often feel that your conditions are pretty good, but no one pays attention to you and you fail repeatedly? Do you want to know what kind of dating difficulties you have? Take this test and you'll be enlightened.

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