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Test who you were in your last life: A wonderful journey to explore past life memories

Life/hobbies 10 1 minute
Close your eyes and let your thoughts travel through the long river of time and return to your childhood. That innocent and carefree time is the most precious memory deep in our hearts. And these memories may not only belong to this life. Past life memory is a mysterious and fascinating concept. Some people believe that our souls are imprinted by experiences in different lives. These marks may be...

Fun test: Test why you died in your previous life

Life/hobbies 1 1 minute
Do you believe you have past lives? Do you want to know what your past life was like? We always talk about what we want to do in the next life, but we ignore the cause and effect of our past lives. The causes in the past life determine the results in this life. Some people die as lightly as a feather, while others die as heavy as a mountain. Different causes of death in previous lives lead to diff...

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