HLWP Love Personality Test

HLWP Love Personality Test

Love/Relationship 40 4 Minutes 20

Test which love personality type you are in HLWP? Psychologists have divided human personality into four basic types, namely ’lively type’ (H), ‘power type’ (L), ‘perfect type’ (W), and ‘peaceful type’ (P).

  1. H-type love personality (lively type): This kind of person is usually lively and changeable, and likes artistic and sensual things. Love often lasts only three minutes, and love comes and goes quickly. Weaknesses include being a playboy, liking new things and taking risks, and liking to plan and manipulate others.
  2. L-type love personality (power type): realistic and rational, considering the other party’s economic and material conditions. The Protagonist traits are irritable, aggressive, and good at planning. Playing the role of requester and protector in emotions, sometimes manifested as ‘macho’.
  3. W-type love personality (perfectionist type): Good at analysis, sensitive personality, and prone to hesitation. True love comes first, and you are picky about your romantic partners. I hope that love will be transparent, but I will also be prone to depression.
  4. P-type love personality (peaceful type): good-tempered, loyal and dedicated, taking care of family and business. She is completely passive and prefers traditional love. He doesn’t care much about anything and is not good at scheming.

We can understand and understand our own personality through tests and scientific methods. In a romantic relationship, we can also use ‘HLWP’ to understand ourselves and each other’s romantic personalities and further explore intimate relationships.

Each ‘HLWP’ type of romantic personality has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you want to maintain a good relationship with your partner, you must first understand your own and the other person’s romantic personalities, so that you can prescribe the right medicine to find the love with the highest satisfaction value for both parties.

Please answer the questions honestly, each question has five options ranging from ‘Strongly Disagree’ to ‘Strongly Agree.’ Choose the option that best suits your current feelings. The type with the highest score is your romantic personality type. Click the start button below to test your romantic personality type!

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