Among the MBTI 16 personality types, who is the most difficult “god” to chase? Come and see your hard-to-follow index!

Among the MBTI 16 personality types, who is the most difficult “god” to chase? Come and see your hard-to-follow index!

Do you want to know which of the 16 MBTI personality types are the most difficult to pursue? Do you want to know your personality type and pursuit style? Then take a look at this article! Here we will give different types of difficulty index according to the characteristics of MBTI 16-type personality, from C level to SSS level, a total of five levels. You can use this information to find out your strengths and weaknesses and how to improve your charm and attractiveness. At the same time, we will also provide a free MBTI test website so that you can quickly understand your personality type. Come and explore with us! ##Free MBTI test website If you still don’t know your MBTI type, or want to test it again, you can click on this link: . This website provides Chinese MBTI test questions. You only need to answer some simple questions to get your personality type and detailed analysis report. You can also do it with your friends to see if your personality types are a match. ##MBTI Type 16 personality’s difficulty index

###MBTI difficulty level: C level ####The pursuit of MBTI type 16 personality Method: Executive ESFJ ESFJ type people like to share their thoughts and opinions with others, so if you want to attract them, you can express your opinions more and make them feel that you have personality. In addition, you can also try to join their circle of friends and establish good relationships with their friends, so that their friends will help you say good things and bring you closer. ####How to pursue MBTI type 16 personality: Guardian ISFJ People of the ISFJ type are relatively gentle and humble, and do not like people who are too strong, so when you get along with them, you should pay attention to details and care more about their lives, so that They feel your warmth and sincerity. Don’t rush for success, cultivate the relationship slowly, and when they feel safe enough with you, they will accept your love. ####MBTI Type 16 pursuit style: Performer ESFP ESFP type people like new and exciting things and don’t think much about long-term plans, so to bring you closer, you can participate in some fun things with them activities to make them think you are interesting and happy to be with you. You can also share your interests and hobbies with them to make them feel that you have something in common and increase their liking for you. ####The pursuit of MBTI type 16 personality: Challenger ENFP People with the ENFP type have many friends around them and are very popular. If you want to stand out among many suitors, you have to show your gentleness and fun. and mystery to make them curious about you and want to know more about you. You should also always pay attention to their dynamics and show up when they need help in a timely manner to make them feel that you are special and care about them. ###MBTI Difficult to Chase Level: B

####MBTI Type 16 Personality Pursuit Style: Logistician ISTJ People with the ISTJ type are relatively slow emotionally and are less able to detect other people’s cues, so if you have a crush on them , you have to express your feelings directly and let them understand what you mean. But before you can actually catch them, you may have to go through a very difficult process, because they are not easily tempted and are very rational. But once they say yes to you, they become very reliable and loyal companions. ####MBTI Type 16 pursuit methods: Adventurer ISFP ISFP type people are usually very good-looking and very talented. If you want to attract them, you must have certain artistic and aesthetic qualities to attract them. I think you have something in common. In addition, ISFP type people are also more realistic. They feel that relationships need material protection, so your financial management is also very important, and then you need to take the initiative to let them know your thoughts. ####How to pursue MBTI type 16 personality: Leader ENFJ ENFJ type people are very charming and good at motivating others. If you want to win their favor quickly, you have to show your weakness and need in a timely manner. , let them feel that you need their protection, and at the same time praise their advantages more, so that they feel that you appreciate them. The most important thing is that ENFJ type people like kind people very much, so you should show your kindness and justice in dealing with others. ###MBTI Difficult to Chase Level: A####MBTI Type 16 Personality Pursuit Style: Debator ENTP People with the ENTP type have relatively high standards for choosing long-term partners. They hope to have spiritual resonance with themselves, not too much. They like relationships that are too sweet and clingy. They prefer their partners to have their own space and respect their space. It is not difficult to fall in love with ENTP people, but if you want to talk about marriage with them, it may be a bit difficult. ####The pursuit of MBTI type 16 personality: Commander ENTJ People of the ENTJ type are very good people. They have high requirements for themselves and others. They do not want their significant other to be too bad. Before pursuing an ENTJ type person, you may want to examine your abilities first. If you feel that you still have many shortcomings, then you’d better work hard to improve yourself before taking action. Otherwise, you may be disappointed if you want to pursue an ENTJ type person. Hard. ####The pursuit of MBTI type 16 personality: Entrepreneur ESTP ESTP type people are very charming people. They not only have good looks and financial foundation, but they are also smart and interesting. They like and have brains and Idea people socialize. Therefore, if you want to attract them, you have to show your own characteristics and make them feel that you are different from others, so that you have a chance to attract their attention. ###MBTI Difficult to Chase Level: S Level####The pursuit of MBTI Type 16 personality: General Manager ESTJ ESTJ are powerful leaders. They have high requirements for themselves and others and will not be easily impressed. or persuade. If you want to pursue them, you must show your professional ability and learning attitude so that they can admire and trust you. You should also be prepared to be bluntly criticized or rejected by them, because they will not take your feelings into consideration and will only tell you what they really think. ####MBTI Type 16 Personality Pursuit Style: Logician INTP INTP are smart and interesting thinkers who like to explore and analyze, looking for meaningful answers and ideas. If you want to arouse their interest, you must be on the same frequency as them, be able to keep up with their thinking, and bring them new stimulation and challenges. If you have a crush on an INTP, don’t expect the process from friends to lovers. Instead, express your charm directly and let them be deeply attracted to you, so that you can pursue them more effectively. ####MBTI Type 16 Personality Pursuit Style: Connoisseur ISTP ISTPs are independent and flexible doers who are good at handling technical problems and practical challenges. If you want to be with them, you must first let them notice you, maybe by caring about them often, or by appearing around them frequently and creating some unexpected encounters. Then they have to pass various tests of their future partners. Only after going through these difficult processes can they win their hearts. ####MBTI Type 16 personality pursuit style: Mediator INFP INFP is a sensitive and sentimental idealist. They have rich imagination and emotions and are eager to find a soul mate who can understand them. If you want to win their hearts, you must be patient and careful enough, communicate with them in depth, and let them feel your sincerity and warmth. You also need to give them enough security and freedom to make them feel that you are a trustworthy person. ##MBTI Difficult to Chase Level: SS Level####The pursuit of MBTI Type 16 personality: Architect INTJ People of the INTJ type are very rational and confident people. They are very picky about themselves and others and will not compromise or compromise easily. Make do. If you want to pursue them, be prepared to be rejected or criticized directly by them, because they will not take into account your feelings and will only tell their true inner thoughts. You have to be smart and charming enough to get them interested in you, and you have to respect their independence and personality without trying to change them. ##MBTI Difficult to Chase Level: SSS Level####MBTI 16-type personality pursuit method: Advocate INFJ INFJ type people are the most difficult to chase the devil among the 16-type personality. They have keen intuition and high standards of values. , they have very clear expectations and requirements for their significant other, and they can tell at a glance whether you are in line with their wishes. If you can make them fall in love at first sight, congratulations, you are already halfway successful, but if you make them feel nothing, then no matter how hard you try, it will be difficult to impress them. You have to be kind and understanding enough to win their trust and love. ##Conclusion The above is an introduction to the MBTI 16-type personality’s difficulty index and pursuit methods. I hope it will be helpful to you. If you want to learn more about MBTI, you can visit the PsycTest official website for more in-depth study. Thank you for reading and I hope you find your ideal partner!

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