'一张图测你的内在小孩类型' related tests

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Choose one of the four pictures to test how real you are

We always say that we hope to see each other’s true side, but most of the time the connotation of this sentence is: the truth that can be accepted by each other. The two characters of authenticity and hypocrisy are, for some people, a means of controlling others, and for others, they are the last form of self-protection. How much of yourself are you in front of others and behind others? This test...

4 pictures to test how deep your city is

Test introduction Mental/Health 1 4 1 Minutes 28
The word 'city' seems to have always been used in both a complimentary and derogatory sense. City is a double-edged sword. If you master it well, it can help you. If you master it poorly, it will make others think that your love is unreliable. So how deep in the city are we? Let’s take a test through 4 pictures.

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