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Letter circle M type test

The letter circle refers to the SM group, the abbreviation of sadomasochism in English. It is a sexu...

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Psychological test: Can you be alone well?

Are you able to be alone well? Being alone is sometimes a kind of thinking, a psychology, and a way ...

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Psychological test: How much childishness do you still have in you?

Some people say: People who are like children are pure at heart. Has the hustle and bustle of city ...

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Test which mysterious profession is suitable for you?

Are you tired of the same routine every day? Do you also yearn for those mysterious careers? In fac...

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MBTI cognitive function: Ni function-insight into the inner nature

There are 8 cognitive functions in MBTI: Ne, Ni, Se, Si, Te, Ti, Fe, Fi. | Function | Abbreviation ...

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ISFJ Taurus: The pragmatic guardian

ISFJ Taurus people are very pragmatic, reliable and responsible people. They are detail-oriented and...

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Cancer ENFP: Sensitive Explorer

The Cancer ENFP is an imaginative and sensitive personality type. They often have a strong sense of ...

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ESFJ Scorpio: Loyal coordinator

Character traits: ESFJs are typical pragmatists who focus on organizational planning and interperson...

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Find out where your nearest lucky god is

Where is the God of Luck these days?

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