Seven questions to reveal whether you have paranoid personality disorder, come and get tested!

What is Paranoid Personality Disorder?

Paranoid personality disorder is a psychological problem that makes people become overly sensitive and suspicious. It makes people feel that others are doing harm to them, or that some things are directed at themselves. Such people are often conceited and stubborn, unwilling to listen to other people’s opinions or suggestions, and difficult to trust and accept others. Their social, work, family and emotional lives are affected, leaving them feeling lonely and unhappy.

Are you paranoid?

If you want to know if you have paranoid tendencies, you can answer these seven questions to see how you score.

  1. Do you often feel that others are hostile or discriminate against you, or are you afraid of being taken advantage of or hurt by others, even if there is no obvious reason? (Yes: 1 point, No: 0 points)
  2. Do you often think that everything happening around you is a ‘conspiracy’ against you, or do you believe in some unreasonable ‘super-price concepts’? (Yes: 1 point, No: 0 points)
  3. Do you often envy other people’s success or happiness, or suspect that your partner or friend is unfaithful to you? (Yes: 1 point, No: 0 points)
  4. Do you often think too highly of yourself, think you are always right, and are unwilling to admit mistakes or responsibility even if you encounter setbacks or failures? (Yes: 1 point, No: 0 points)
  5. Do you often hate others and cannot forgive or accept their apologies or requests? (Yes: 1 point, No: 0 points)
  6. Do you often quarrel or be hostile with others, insisting on ‘rights’ or interests that you think are reasonable but are not actually reasonable? (Yes: 1 point, No: 0 points)
  7. Do you often ignore or deny objective facts or evidence that are inconsistent with your own ideas, making it difficult for you to be convinced or changed by others? (Yes: 1 point, No: 0 points)

If your total score is above 3, you may have a tendency to have paranoid personality disorder. However, don’t worry too much as this psychological problem is treatable.

How to treat paranoid personality disorder?

The treatment of paranoid personality disorder mainly relies on psychotherapy, which aims to help patients change their thinking and behavior patterns and improve their social skills and life satisfaction. The specific methods are as follows:

1. Cognition improvement method

This method allows patients to understand their own psychological problems, how they are formed, what their characteristics and harms are, and how to solve them. This requires building a relationship of trust and respect, through conversation and information.

2. Friendship training method

This method allows patients to participate in more social activities, make some sincere and friendly friends, learn to trust and understand others, and reduce their own insecurities. Pay attention to the following points when training to make friends:

  • Treat everyone sincerely, care about and understand their situation and needs.
  • Take the initiative to help and support your friends, and thank and praise their strengths and contributions.
  • Choose people with similar personalities and temperaments as friends, which will make it easier to communicate and get along with you.

3. Self-regulation method

This method allows patients to learn to control their emotions and behaviors, overcome their vanity and stubbornness, and develop some useful and positive interests and hobbies. Pay attention to the following points when exercising self-regulation:

  • Recognize that you are not perfect or the center of the world, and respect the existence and value of others.
  • Learn to regulate your emotions, calm down when encountering unpleasantness or conflict, and deal with problems rationally rather than emotionally.

4. Hostility correction training method

This method allows patients to eliminate hostility and distrust towards others and the environment, learn to respect and accept the different opinions and choices of others, and cultivate some friendly and warm attitudes and behaviors. Pay attention to the following points when conducting hostility correction training:

  • Always remind yourself not to fall into the vicious circle of ‘hostility’ and believe that most people are kind and upright.
  • Understand that only by respecting others can you win the respect of others, and treat everyone with courtesy and a smile.
  • Learn to be tolerant and patient. Don’t get angry or argue over trivial matters. Give others some space and time.

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