10 Must-See Classic Psychology Movies

##Recommend 10 classic psychological movies###1. “A Beautiful Mind” (A Beautiful Mind)

The film is adapted from the biography of Nobel Prize winner John Nash, which tells the story of how he achieved major mathematical achievements while suffering from schizophrenia. The film presents the audience with many concepts about psychopathology, cognitive psychology, and behavioral psychology. In particular, the movie shows how Nash overcame his hallucinations and delusions, and how he gradually regained his self-identity and self-worth. ###2. “Identity”

This movie is a thriller that tells the story of 10 people Strangers are trapped in a motel and murdered one after another. In the process, the audience discovers that each character has a hidden identity and secret that is not revealed until the very last moment. The film leaves many impressions on the viewer about personality psychology and psychological testing, as well as revealing concepts such as identity, personal identity and self-concept. ###3. “Infernal Affairs”

This movie tells the story of the relationship between the police and gangsters struggle. By showing the emotional and psychological struggles of both parties, the film teaches the audience many concepts about self-concept, moral psychology, and social psychology. What is very good about this film is that in many scenes the audience can see the moral and psychological battle between the police and criminals, which adds to the depth and complexity of the film. ###4. “Scent of a Woman”

This movie tells the story of a blind man The relationship between a retired soldier and a young student. The ex-soldier felt hopeless and lonely, but also fiercely independent and confident. The movie presents the audience with many concepts about self-concept, behavioral psychology, and emotional psychology. In particular, the ex-soldier has a strong self-identity in the film, but this identity is based on the social rejection he feels. ###5. “Black Swan”

This movie tells the story of a man with depression and mental illness The story of a ballerina with schizophrenia. This character goes through a crazy psychological process in which her self-concept and identity are constantly subverted and reconstructed. The movie presents the audience with many concepts about identity, self-concept, and personality psychology. In addition, the film also shows the audience many aspects of psychopathology, including delusions, hallucinations, and suicide, through acting, music, and set design. ###6. “The Lives of Others”

This movie tells the story of the East German political police The story of surveillance and reconnaissance of a famous artist in 1984. The police officer experienced a series of emotional and psychological changes during the investigation, and his self-concept and identity were also greatly challenged. The film presents the audience with many concepts about personality psychology, social psychology, and moral psychology. One of the themes of the film is the struggle between power and freedom, and the pursuit of personal self-identity and social value. ###7. “Good Will Hunting”

This movie tells the story of a man working in Boston The relationship between a genius mathematician and his psychiatrist. The mathematician had some emotional and behavioral problems that required help from a psychiatrist. The film presents the audience with many concepts about relationships, behavioral psychology, and psychotherapy. In particular, the film emphasizes the importance of emotional support and relationships, as well as the underlying causes of personal behavioral and emotional problems. ###8. “The Game”

This movie tells the story of a wealthy businessman participating in a The story of a fictional game. The game seems to turn his entire life into one giant puzzle that he must solve in order to regain his life. The film presents the audience with many concepts about personality psychology, behavioral psychology, and cognitive psychology. In particular, the film emphasizes the importance of personal control and emotional response, and how humans understand and respond to complex situations and challenges. ###9. “Memento”

This movie tells the story of a man who… Loss of short-term memory ability and inability to remember past events. He keeps looking for the real murderer of his wife, but finds that the people around him don’t seem to be who he imagined. The film is a psychological adventure for the audience, presenting a compelling story about memory, self-identity and perception of reality through the unique perspective of the protagonist. ###10. “Life of Pi” (Life of Pi)

This movie tells the story of an Indian The fantasy journey of Pi. He spent 227 days on a lifeboat with a Bengal tiger and experienced many difficulties and challenges. The film presents the audience with many concepts about psychology and philosophy, especially issues regarding human faith, self-identity, and the meaning of existence. This is a shocking and thought-provoking film. ##Summary These movies are not only very exciting, but can also introduce many psychological concepts and theories to the audience, including illusions, personality psychology, self-concept, social psychology, etc. Through these films, audiences can better understand the complexity of human behavior and emotions, while also gaining a deeper understanding of psychology.

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