Urging marriage is a kind of violence, and young people not getting married is the most responsible sign of marriage.

There is a phenomenon in society today that young people are always urged to get married by their parents. These parents may feel that they are thinking about their children’s happiness, but in fact they may not realize that their behavior is a form of violence and disrespect for their children’s feelings and marriage.

The consequences of urging marriage: irresponsible marriage

urge to marry

People who do not get married because they are urged to marry are precisely the group of children who are most responsible for marriage, because they need a life partner, not to complete the task of marriage. They respect their own feelings and take marriage very seriously. They will not get married or have children randomly before meeting a truly suitable partner. This is actually a sign of great education and emotional self-discipline.

On the contrary, if you find someone to get married because of the pressure from your parents to get married, it is actually tantamount to being sentimental. Such a marriage is likely to be unhappy and may even lead to divorce, domestic violence, infidelity and other problems. Such a choice is irresponsible to oneself, the other party, and the children.

Reasons for urging marriage: different values

So, why do parents urge marriage? In fact, this has a lot to do with the era in which they live. This generation of parents may have experienced many difficulties and challenges, and their marriage may be based on survival and responsibility rather than love and intimacy. They may think, ‘It’s different with whomever you live with, but it’s the same with whomever you live with.’ This is a value that is unacceptable to a person who is emotionally self-respecting and values marriage.

In the era of our parents, it may have been an era of great scarcity. In that generation, many people’s marriage was to live together. If we were to go back a generation, people might even get married without even meeting each other before marriage. They do not have the opportunity to choose the person they like and love, nor do they have the opportunity to experience true intimacy. They can only use material things and responsibilities to maintain their marriage.

But today’s young people are a generation that respects their own feelings. They have more opportunities to meet and interact with different people, they have more resources to learn and grow, and they have more freedom to pursue the life they want. . They will not give up their pursuit of love because of social or family pressure, but will carefully find the person they really like and love to establish a real intimate relationship. They have higher expectations and requirements for marriage, and they will not compromise and make do easily.

Solution to urging marriage: have more understanding and support

So, how should parents treat their children? In fact, parents only need to do one thing, which is to have more understanding and support. Parents should understand that their children are independent individuals, they have their own thoughts and feelings, and they have their own life plans and goals. Parents should not impose their own values and expectations on their children, but should respect and accept their children’s choices.

Parents should also understand that marriage is not an easy thing. It requires two people to understand each other, trust each other, respect each other, and support each other. Marriage is not a task, but a process, a process that requires continuous effort and dedication. Marriage is not an outcome, but a beginning, a beginning that requires constant growth and change.

Therefore, parents should not rush to find a partner, get married, or have children for their children, but should give their children some space to find someone they truly like and love, to experience true intimacy, and to build their own happiness. and a stable marriage.

Of course, parents can also give their children some help and suggestions, such as introducing some suitable partners to their children, providing them with some knowledge about love and marriage, and providing some psychological and emotional support to their children. But these should only be done when the child is willing and needed, without forcing or interfering.

Finally, parents should also set a good example for their own marriage, so that their children can see the love, intimacy, happiness, and harmony between you. In this way, children will have more confidence and motivation to find their significant other and create their own bright future.


Urging marriage is a kind of violence. Parents, please give young people some space. It is the most responsible sign for young people to not get married because they are rushing to get married. Parents should understand that young people have different values and feelings, and should support young people to choose the life and partner they want. Parents can also give young people some help and advice, but do not force or interfere. Parents must also set a good example for their own marriages so that young people can see the possibility of love and happiness.

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