Behind Mayday’s lip-syncing controversy, do you know their MBTI personality types?

Recently, Mayday’s concert in Shanghai triggered heated discussions among netizens. Many people questioned their lip-synching on stage, and some bloggers even reported the matter to the Consumers Association. As a veteran rock band that is widely popular among men, women, young and old, Mayday has many loyal fans, and their songs are also deeply loved by everyone. Their music styles are varied, their lyrics are emotional and philosophical, and they convey positive energy and values. Each of their concerts is a feast of music, as well as an interaction and communication with fans. They have always been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people with their sincere, enthusiastic and innovative image. This lip-synching controversy has undoubtedly caused a negative impact on their reputation. Not a small impact. At present, the matter has not yet been determined, so we will not comment.

So, have you ever thought about the personalities of the five members of Mayday? How do they get along and cooperate? What influences and inspirations did their music creation and performance have?

Today, we will use the perspective of MBTI personality type analysis to explore the inner world of Mayday and see their personality characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, as well as their music style and expression.

What is MBTI personality type analysis?

MBTI personality type analysis is a personality testing tool based on psychologist Carl Jung’s psychological type theory and developed by Katherine Briggs and Isabel Myers in the middle of the last century.

MBTI personality type analysis divides people’s personality tendencies through four dimensions, which are:

  • Extraversion (E) or introversion (I): Indicates whether a person prefers to communicate with the external world or with his or her inner world.
  • Sensing (S) or intuition (N): Indicates whether a person prefers to obtain information through the five senses, or whether a person prefers to obtain information through intuition and imagination.
  • Thinking (T) or Feeling (F): Indicates whether a person prefers to make decisions through logic and reason, or whether a person prefers to make decisions through emotions and values.
  • Judgment (J) or Perception (P): Indicates whether a person prefers to live a planned and organized life, or a person who prefers to live a flexible and random life.

According to different combinations of these four dimensions, 16 different personality types can be obtained. Each type has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as its own interests and hobbies, as well as suitable occupations and environments.

What is Mayday’s MBTI personality type?

So, what are the MBTI personality types of the five members of Mayday? We can conduct MBTI analysis on them based on their daily performance, song lyrics, interview content and information on the Internet. Of course, this is just a speculation, not necessarily completely accurate, nor does it represent all of them. It is just to increase our understanding and appreciation of them.

Ashin: INFJ (introversion, intuition, emotion, judgment)

Ashin is the soul of Mayday. He is the lead singer, songwriter, guitarist and leader of the band. His MBTI personality type is INFJ, which is Idealist. He has keen insight into people’s hearts and social phenomena. His lyrics are full of profound meaning and appeal, and his singing can also touch people. People’s heartstrings.

Ashin is an introverted person. He doesn’t like too much social interaction. He prefers to be alone and immersed in his own thinking. His creative inspiration often comes from his inner world, and his songs also reflect his emotions and values.

Ashin is an intuitive person. He can obtain information through intuition and imagination. His thinking is quick. His lyrics often use metaphors and symbols. His songs are also rich in connotations and metaphors. His songs are not only It is not only music, but also an art.

Ashin is an emotional person who can make decisions through emotions and values. His songs are also full of emotion and warmth. His songs also convey his ideals and beliefs. His songs can also inspire people’s emotions and Resonance, his songs are not just songs, they are a kind of power.

Ashin is a judgmental person who can live a planned and organized life. His songs also have clear themes and structures. His songs also have clear purposes and directions. His songs also have a firm attitude and stance. His songs are more than just songs, they are an attitude.

Ashin’s advantage is that he has a high degree of creativity and insight. He can create unique and profoundly meaningful songs. He can also impress people with his singing. He is a person with ideals and a sense of mission. He can use Music impacts and changes the world.

Ashin’s disadvantage is that he has excessive standards and requirements. He is very harsh on himself and others. He is also difficult to satisfy and relax. He is sometimes too sensitive and stubborn. He also easily ignores his own needs and feelings. He needs to learn to balance and regulate his emotions and stress.

Monster: ISFJ (Introversion, Feeling, Emotion, Judgment)

Monster is Mayday’s guitarist. He is also the band’s chorus and songwriter. His MBTI personality type is ISFJ, which is Protector. He has sensitive observation skills and can pay attention to details and reality. His lyrics are full of In addition to authenticity and delicacy, his guitar playing can also display technique and style.

Monster is an introverted person. He doesn’t like too much social interaction. He prefers quietness and concentration. His creative inspiration often comes from his life experience, and his songs also reflect his feelings and memories.

Monster is a person who feels. He is able to obtain information through the five senses. His thinking is concrete and practical. His lyrics often use descriptions and details. His songs also have a close-to-life and real atmosphere. His songs are not only Music is a kind of life.

Monster is an emotional person. He can make decisions through emotions and values. His songs are also full of tenderness and care. His songs also convey his joy, anger, sorrow, love and hatred, and his songs can also evoke People’s emotions and memories, his songs are not just songs, they are emotions.

Monster is a judgmental person. He can live a planned and organized life. His songs are also normative and complete. His songs also have logic and order. His songs also have goals and meanings. His songs are more than just songs. , it is also a kind of responsibility.

Monster’s advantage is that he has meticulous and responsible qualities. He is able to create exquisite and practical songs. He is also able to show his skills and personality with the guitar. He is a loyal and dedicated person. He is able to use music to serve and Support others.

The disadvantage of Monster is that he tends to be conservative and submissive. He is humble towards himself and others. It is also difficult for him to break through and innovate. He is sometimes overly concerned and worried. He is also prone to sacrificing his own needs and feelings. He needs Learn to open up and express your thoughts and feelings.

Stone: INFP (introversion, intuition, emotion, perception)

Shitou is the bassist of Mayday. He is also the chorus and songwriter of the band. His MBTI personality type is INFP, which is Healer. He has a rich imagination and can create unique and beautiful things. He ’s lyrics are full of dreams and hopes, and his bass playing is also able to create movement and rhythm.

Shi Shi is an introverted person. He doesn’t like too much social interaction. He prefers freedom and exploration. His creative inspiration often comes from his dreams and fantasies, and his songs also reflect his ideals and pursuits.

Shi Shi is an intuitive person. He is able to obtain information through intuition and imagination. His thinking is abstract and innovative. His lyrics often use metaphors and allegories. His songs also have diverse and wonderful styles. His songs are not only It is music, but also a kind of creation.

Shi Shi is an emotional person who can make decisions through emotions and values. His songs are also full of enthusiasm and spirituality. His songs also convey his beliefs and passions. His songs can also inspire people’s emotions and imagination. , his songs are not just songs, but also a kind of soul.

Shitou is a perceptive person who can live flexibly and randomly. His songs also have changes and surprises. His songs also have freedom and spontaneity. His songs also have unlimited possibilities and potential. His songs are not only It’s a song, it’s an adventure.

Shitou’s advantage is that he has unbridled imagination and creativity. He can create unique and beautiful songs. He can also show his charm and style with bass. He is a person with dreams and talents. He can use music to express his charm and style. Express and realize your wishes.

The disadvantage of Stone is that he has a tendency to be impractical and undisciplined. He is very tolerant of himself and others. He also has difficulty concentrating and accomplishing things. He can sometimes be too idealistic and sensitive. He also tends to avoid his own problems and difficulties. He needs to learn to be realistic and stick to his goals and responsibilities.

Guanyou: ISTJ (introversion, feeling, thinking, judging)

Guanyou is the drummer of Mayday. He is also the chorus and songwriter of the band. His MBTI personality type is ISTJ, which is the examiner. He has rigorous logic and can analyze and solve problems. His lyrics are full of In addition to being rational and critical, his drumming can also maintain stability and rhythm.

Guanyou is an introverted person. He doesn’t like too much social interaction. He prefers professionalism and efficiency. His creative inspiration often comes from his knowledge and experience, and his songs also reflect his opinions and judgments.

Guanyou is a person who feels. He can obtain information through the five senses. His thinking is practical and objective. His lyrics often use facts and data. His songs also have clear and accurate expressions. His songs are not only Music is a kind of proof.

Guanyou is a thinking person, he can make decisions through logic and reason. His songs are also full of wisdom and thinking. His songs also convey his concepts and theories. His songs can also inspire people’s thinking and thinking. Learn, his songs are not just songs, they are a kind of wisdom.

Guanyou is a judgmental person. He can live a planned and organized life. His songs are also rigorous and perfect. His songs also have rules and standards. His songs also have purposes and results. His songs are not only Songs are a kind of quality.

Guanyou’s advantage is his precise and professional ability. He is able to compose songs with depth and meaning. He is also able to show his level and confidence with drumbeats. He is a person with knowledge and skills. He is able to use music Analyze and solve problems.

Guanyou’s disadvantage is that he has a tendency to be fixed and conservative. He is very strict with himself and others. It is also difficult for him to adapt and change. He is sometimes too calm and rational. He also tends to ignore his emotions and feelings. He You need to learn to be flexible and considerate of your own emotions and needs.

Martha: ENTP (Extroversion, Intuition, Thinking, Perceiving)

Martha is the keyboard player of Mayday. He is also the chorus and songwriter of the band. His MBTI personality type is ENTP, which is Inventor. He has endless creativity and is able to break through and innovate. His lyrics are full of In addition to humor and irony, his keyboard playing can also bring variety and interest.

Martha is an extroverted person who likes to communicate with the outside world. He prefers challenges and adventures. His creative inspiration often comes from his curiosity and exploration, and his songs also reflect his energy and enthusiasm.

Martha is an intuitive person. He is able to obtain information through intuition and imagination. His thinking is jumpy and changeable. His lyrics often use jokes and puns. His songs also have a novel and unique style. His songs Not just music, but invention.

Martha is a thinking person who can make decisions through logic and reason. His songs are also full of wisdom and criticism. His songs also convey his views and arguments. His songs can also challenge people’s thinking and Cognitively, his songs are not just songs, they are debates.

Martha is a perceptive person who can live flexibly and randomly. His songs also have changes and surprises. His songs also have freedom and spontaneity. His songs also have unlimited possibilities and potentials. His songs are not only It’s just a song, it’s an adventure.

Martha’s advantage is that he has unbridled creativity and creativity. He is able to compose interesting and meaningful songs. He is also able to show his talent and style on the keyboard. He is a curious and adventurous person who can Use music to break through and innovate.

Martha’s disadvantages are that he has a tendency to be impractical and undisciplined. He is very casual with himself and others. He also has difficulty focusing and completing. He can sometimes be too playful and provocative. He also tends to ignore his own problems and difficulties. , he needs to learn to be realistic and stick to his goals and responsibilities.

Mayday’s MBTI personality type analysis summary

Through the MBTI personality type analysis of the five members of Mayday, we can find that their personalities are different, but they also complement and coordinate with each other. Their music also reflects their personality characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and their music also reflects their personality traits, strengths and weaknesses. Showcasing their diversity and individuality.

Mayday’s music is a portrayal of their character and an expression of their character. Their music is not just music, but also a personality, a life, an attitude, and a strength.

Mayday’s music allows us to feel their emotions and wisdom, their creations and inventions, their ideals and beliefs, their dreams and passions. Their music allows us to move, think, innovate and change with them, Dream, love.

Mayday’s music is the best interpretation of their personality type and the best display of their personality type. Their music is the best proof of their MBTI personality type and the best praise of their MBTI personality type.

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