i person’s darkest moment

A standard i person is an introvert who doesn’t like socializing much and prefers to stay alone in his comfort zone. However, every New Year and holiday, i people will face some very uncomfortable situations. These situations may be normal for e people, but for i people, they are simply the darkest moments.

Today, I would like to share with you my darkest moment as an i person. If you are also a person i, or you have a friend of person i, then you will definitely resonate with it. If you are an e person, then you can also see how different the i person’s world is.

1. People who are forced to greet strange relatives


Person i: Mom, I don’t want to say hello to relatives I don’t know very well. Mom: Go away, or I will shoot!

2. When someone asks someone i out during the Spring Festival


i people actually just want to rest quietly at home.

3. i-person social gradient process


Let i people go out and socialize for a day, as if they have experienced a lifetime of vicissitudes.

4. i person’s social power


2 people: Fully charged, able to communicate freely with another person and enjoy an intimate relationship

3 people: 75%, still able to handle a conversation between three people, but starting to feel some pressure

4 people: 50%, have reached the limit of social interaction and need to constantly allocate attention and response

5 people: 25%, completely unable to concentrate and just want to escape from the scene

6 people: 0%, completely collapsed, lost all energy and consciousness

5. When i and e’s friends are shopping and meet e’s acquaintance but i does not know them


I was shopping with my friend e, and suddenly met an acquaintance of e. Person e greeted the acquaintance warmly, but person i didn’t know that person, so he could only stand cautiously next to person e, not knowing what to say. , leaving only embarrassment and discomfort.

6. What i people think of “chatting with others”


In the eyes of i people, chatting with others is like doing a difficult sports action, that is, high-intensity plank support, which requires the muscles of the whole body to tighten and bear huge pressure.

7. iren’s social strategy


E people are very eager to chat with others and are looking for someone to communicate with, just like a hungry bird, waiting for food. Person i, on the other hand, does not want to socialize with others at all. As long as he pretends not to see the existence of person e, he can avoid being disturbed, just like a lazy cat sleeping with his eyes closed.

8. Why do i people not like to socialize?


Why do i people not like to socialize? Because it is embarrassing not to speak, and it is also embarrassing to speak.

9. When i want to try a little social interaction but don’t want to leave my comfort zone


Common manifestations:

Chat online, but only send emoticons, no words

Gathering offline, but only eating, no talking

Like on social media, but don’t comment or retweet

Listen to other people talking on the phone, but just deal with it, don’t talk


In fact, many e-people may not understand it and think that these are normal things and no big deal. However, for i people, these are very difficult challenges that require a lot of courage and patience. Therefore, I hope that e people can be more understanding and tolerant, and do not force i people to do things they don’t like, and don’t laugh at i people for not being good at social interaction. i people also have their own advantages. For example, they are often very creative, thoughtful, in-depth, and personal. People i and e can actually learn from each other, appreciate each other, and grow with each other. I hope that both i and e can find their own happiness, live in harmony and make progress together.

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/Vm5bDzd6/

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