MBTI Mother’s Guide: Which of the 16 MBTI personality types is your mother?

MBTI Mother’s Guide: Which of the 16 MBTI personality types is your mother?

MBTI is a widely used personality classification that divides personality into four dimensions: extroversion (E) or introversion (I), feeling (S) or intuition (N), and thinking (T) or feeling (F) , Judgment (J) or Perception (P). According to the combination of these four dimensions, 16 different personality types can be obtained, each type has its own characteristics and advantages.

So, what personality type is your mother? Does she always care about your life, or does she let you make your own decisions? Does she like to plan and organize, or is she spontaneous and flexible? Is she rational and objective, or emotional and subjective? Is she outgoing and social, or quiet and independent?

In order to help you understand your mother, we have prepared an MBTI mother’s illustration for you, so that you can see at a glance your mother’s personality characteristics, as well as the advice and expectations she may give you. Of course, this is just an interesting reference and may not be completely accurate. You can also do an MBTI test with your mother to see if your results are consistent. The MBTI test link is at the end of the article (free test)

ISTJ type mother

ISTJ mothers are practical and steady, determined and reliable. She will provide you with an orderly and safe home environment and teach you to follow rules and guidelines, pay attention to details, take responsibility, and tell the truth. The advice she may give you is: don’t waste time and energy, have plans and goals, be serious and focused, and respect tradition and authority.

ISFJ type mother

ISFJ mothers are dedicated and warm guardians, always ready to protect the ones they love. She will provide you with a comfortable and warm family environment, care about your feelings and needs, and always try her best to satisfy you beyond expectations, whether at home or at work. The advice she may give you is: don’t forget to be grateful and reciprocate, be compassionate and conscience, be loyal and altruistic, and maintain harmony and stability.

INFJ type mother

INFJ mothers are quiet and mysterious, inspiring and tireless idealists. She will provide you with an imaginative and spiritual family environment, gain a profound insight into your heart and potential, work tirelessly for your beliefs and ideals, and leave a profound positive impact. The advice she might give you is: don’t lose yourself and your values, be creative and visionary, be brave and determined, and believe in the power of love and compassion.

INTJ type mother

INTJ mothers are imaginative and strategic strategists, and everything is planned. She will provide you with a challenging and stimulating family environment, explore your intelligence and abilities with curiosity and originality, and use strong logic and willpower to promote your change and growth. The advice she may give you is: don’t be controlled by people and circumstances, be analytical and critical, be independent and confident, and pursue efficiency and excellence.

ISTP type mother

ISTP mothers are bold and practical operators who are good at using all forms of tools. She will provide you with a home environment full of practice and exploration, use your hands and eyes to perceive and experience the world, and teach you how to create, solve problems, trial and error, and experience first-hand. The advice she might give you is: don’t be bound by theories and norms, be skillful and flexible, be calm and decisive, and enjoy adventure and excitement.

ISFP type mother

ISFP mothers are flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience new things. She will provide you with a home environment full of beauty and creativity, use aesthetics and design to break social conventions, and teach you how to use beautiful things to subvert traditional expectations and show your personality and style. The advice she might give you is: don’t stick to forms and labels, be tasteful and expressive, be sincere and natural, and respect your own and other people’s feelings.

INFP type mother

INFP mothers are poetic, kind-hearted altruists, and always eager to help. She will provide you with a family environment full of ideals and emotions, always look for the best in the worst people and things, teach you how to use honor, beauty, morality and kindness to guide your actions, and how to serve Fight for your own beliefs. The advice she may give you is: don’t give up on your dreams and values, be imaginative and inspired, be sensitive and delicate, and care about society and humanity.

INTP type mother

INTP mothers are creative thinkers with an insatiable thirst for knowledge. She will provide you with a family environment full of thinking and learning, use philosophy, logic and science to explore your wisdom and talents, and teach you how to use unconventional perspectives and never-ending intelligence to solve problems and innovate. The advice she might give you is: don’t be limited by common sense and authority, be curious and critical, be independent and objective, and pursue truth and reason.

ESTP type mother

ESTP mothers are smart, energetic and perceptive, and enjoy a life on the edge of adventure. She will provide you with a vibrant and happy family environment, use humor, wisdom and action to attract your attention, teach you how to make important decisions based on the actual situation at hand in a quick and rational stimulating response, and how to enjoy drama , passion and pleasure. The advice she may give you is: don’t be afraid of risks and failures, be adventurous and competitive, be confident and decisive, and seize opportunities and advantages.

ESFP type mother

ESFP mothers are spontaneous, enthusiastic and friendly, and like to share happiness with others. She will provide you with a family environment full of fun and laughter, attract your attention with charm, talent and performance, teach you how to communicate and cooperate with others in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, and how to enjoy the beauty and touch of life. . The advice she might give you is: don’t worry about tomorrow and the future, be enthusiastic and optimistic, be open and friendly, and cherish the present and opportunities.

ENFP type mother

ENFP mothers are enthusiastic, imaginative inspirers, always finding new possibilities. She will provide you with a family environment full of change and innovation, stimulate your interests with passion, inspiration and humor, teach you how to discover your potential and mission among diverse choices, and how to use unique perspectives and actions change the world. The advice she may give you is: don’t be limited by conventions and frameworks, be adventurous and creative, be proactive and proactive, and pursue freedom and individuality.

ENTP type mother

ENTP mothers are witty, interesting challengers, and always find new challenges. She will provide you with a family environment full of debate and competition, challenge your thinking with wisdom, agility and sarcasm, teach you how to find loopholes and solutions to complex problems, and how to win with unique strategies and techniques . Advice she might give you: Don’t be afraid of conflict and opposition, be curious and critical, be flexible and mobile, and pursue wisdom and achievement.

ESTJ type mother

ESTJ mothers are practical, methodical organizers who always keep things in order. She will provide you with a family environment full of rules and efficiency, manage your behavior with authority, responsibility and discipline, teach you how to complete your tasks and goals within clear standards and expectations, and how to use actual results and Returns measure your success. The advice she may give you is: don’t make unnecessary things and decisions, be organized and executive, be strong and self-disciplined, and respect facts and order.

ESFJ type mother

ESFJ mothers are enthusiastic, responsible supporters who always make people feel comfortable and satisfied. She will provide you with a caring and supportive family environment, meet your needs with enthusiasm, courtesy and cooperation, teach you how to express your feelings and opinions in a harmonious relationship and atmosphere, and how to use practical actions and Help reflect your value. Advice she might give you: Don’t ignore other people’s feelings and ideas, be empathetic and social, be loyal and dedicated, and uphold traditions and etiquette.

ENFJ type mother

ENFJ mothers are passionate, charismatic leaders who always make people feel inspired and motivated. She will provide you with a family environment full of beliefs and goals, guide you in the direction with charm, persuasion and motivation, teach you how to realize your dreams and ideals in a common vision and value, and how to use positive influence and Contribute to the betterment of society and humanity. The advice she might give you is: don’t give up on your beliefs and mission, be leadership and communicator, be passionate and caring, and pursue excellence and growth.

ENTJ type mother

ENTJ mothers are confident, decisive leaders who always make things go according to plan. She will provide you with a family environment full of challenges and opportunities, use logic, analysis and decision-making to control your process, teach you how to optimize your efficiency and abilities within clear goals and strategies, and how to use strong willpower and influence your success. The advice she might give you is: don’t doubt your abilities and potential, be analytical and critical, be confident and decisive, and pursue power and control.


The above is the MBTI Mother’s Illustrated Guide, what do you think? What type is your mother? You can share this article with her and see if she agrees.

MBTI free test address: https://m.psyctest.cn/mbti

MBTI Advanced Personality File Interpretation: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/VIN4OhTXrAz9UAZaFbTt6g

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/ROGKo4GE/

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