6 simple and effective emotional exercises that can better help you manage work stress, improve health, and enhance happiness:
1. Practice self-reflection and self-examination every day.
This is a way to help you recognize your emotional state and needs. You can ask yourself the following questions at the beginning or end of the day:
- How am I feeling today?
-What challenges or difficulties did I face today? - What did I do today that made me feel satisfied or happy?
- What do I need to feel better today?
You don’t need to judge your answers or immediately “fix” your feelings, just be aware of them.
2. Take several short, quality breaks during the day.
When you feel stressed or exhausted, instead of forcing yourself to keep working, give yourself some time to recharge. You can choose from the following ways to take a break:
- Do some deep breathing or meditation to relax your mind and body.
- Drink a glass of water or tea to stay hydrated.
- Eat healthy snacks that provide nutrition.
- Walk around and stretch your muscles.
- Listen to some relaxing music to adjust your mood.
Research has found that taking a 5-10 minute break after work can significantly reduce accumulated stress and frustration and improve people’s concentration.
3. Practice acceptance and focus on what you can control.
Sometimes we are faced with problems or situations that we cannot change or solve, which can leave us feeling helpless and frustrated. At times like this, we need to learn to accept reality and focus on what we can influence.
Acceptance involves two steps: First, explicitly acknowledge the status quo and focus on what you know to be true. Second, identify a step you can take to reduce stress and struggle.
For example, if you’re stuck on a project that’s difficult to complete, you could do this:
- Acknowledge that this is a difficult task and that you may not be able to complete it perfectly.
- Make a reasonable plan and break it down into small steps.
- Seek help or advice from colleagues or leaders.
- Focus on what you can do well and acknowledge your efforts.
4. Prioritize small moments of connection with your colleagues.
Humans are social animals, and we need to communicate and interact with others to satisfy our sense of belonging and worth. At work, we also need to build good relationships with colleagues to enhance teamwork and trust.
Research shows that social support and a sense of connection improve mental health and reduce feelings of stress and anxiety.
So you need to create opportunities to connect with your colleagues every day that will inspire you and help them feel less alone.
You can communicate with colleagues in the following ways:
- Send a friendly message or email asking how they are doing or sharing something interesting.
- Before or after work, have a phone call or video chat to talk about non-work topics.
- Invite them to have a meal or a drink together during lunch or after get off work to get to know each other better.
- At the right time, give them some compliments or thanks to express your respect and appreciation for them.
5. Practice gratitude to combat your brain’s negativity bias.
Our brains have a natural tendency to notice things that are negative, threatening, or unfavorable more readily, and to ignore things that are positive, helpful, or advantageous. This is a mechanism that evolved for survival, but in modern society, it can cause us to focus too much on problems and difficulties and lose sight of the resources and opportunities we have.
By practicing gratitude, you open your mind’s eye and focus on things that are positive, meaningful, or comforting.
This boosts your emotional energy and helps improve your resilience, your ability to adapt positively to challenges.
Here are a few ways you can practice gratitude:
- Write down three things every day that you are grateful for, no matter how big or small.
- Write a thank you note each week to someone who has been helpful or influential to you and deliver it to them personally.
- Participate in voluntary service or charity activities once a month to make some contributions to others or society.
- Review each year the growth and gains you have experienced over the past year and celebrate yourself.
6. Practice taking active breaks from work.
Work is an important part of our lives, but it is not the whole of our lives. We also have other identities and roles, such as family members, friends, lovers, etc. It’s important that we spend time outside of work doing things we enjoy that satisfy other parts of us, not just our work selves.
Active rest refers to activities that interest, enjoy, relax and rejuvenate us. They can help us reduce stress, increase our happiness, and increase our enthusiasm and motivation for our work.
You can choose from the following types of active rest based on your preferences and interests:
- Physical activities: such as sports, dance, yoga, etc.
- Art activities: such as painting, singing, writing, etc.
- Learning activities: such as reading, learning a new language, taking online courses, etc.
- Social activities: such as gatherings with family, friends, colleagues, etc.
-Natural activities: such as walking, outings, stargazing, etc.
Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/ROGKAlxE/
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