Schizotypal personality test: Find out if you have this invisible psychological disorder!

Do you have a schizotypal personality? Come and test it out!

What is schizotypal personality?

Schizotypal personality

Schizotypal personality is an uncommon personality disorder. Some people also call it cowardice and inferiority complex. People with this personality usually exhibit the following characteristics:

  • Likes to be alone, doesn’t like to socialize, doesn’t care about other people’s opinions, and has no real friends.
  • Introverted, timid, low self-esteem, shy, reticent, lack of confidence and initiative in doing things.
  • Not interested in real life, prefer to immerse yourself in your own fantasy world.
  • Indifferent to others, not caring about other people’s feelings, avoiding competition and conflict.
  • Behavior, thoughts, speech and appearance are somewhat strange and different from ordinary people.

These characteristics do not mean that they are mentally ill; they can still understand and judge reality normally. It’s just that their social adaptability is poor and they lack enterprising spirit and interest in life.

Do you have schizotypal personality tendencies?

Schizotypal personality

If you want to know whether you have schizotypal personality tendencies, here are eight questions you can ask:

  1. Do you often associate things that have nothing to do with you for no reason, making you feel uneasy or worried?
  2. Do you feel very nervous or scared when around strangers?
  3. Are you particularly interested in some strange or supernatural things, such as clairvoyance, telepathy, sixth sense, etc.?
  4. Do you have any strange or abnormal behavior or appearance, such as dressing strangely, being slovenly, doing things out of place, not in accordance with customs, or without a clear purpose?
  5. Did you go off topic, use inappropriate words, use inappropriately complex or simplified words, or express unclear meaning?
  6. Do you often have some unusual perceptual experiences, such as illusions, hallucinations, seeing non-existent people, etc.?
  7. Do you lack warmth and find it difficult to establish deep emotional relationships with others? Do you even lack necessary warmth and consideration for your loved ones?
  8. Do you almost always act alone, and your active interactions with others are limited to necessary contacts in life or work, and you have no close friends or confidants other than general relatives?

If five or more of the above questions apply to you, you may have schizotypal personality tendencies.

How to treat and adjust schizotypal personality?

Schizotypal personality

There are currently no specific drugs that can treat schizotypal personality. But that doesn’t mean there’s no hope. In fact, people with schizotypal personality are highly intelligent, and some can even become outstanding artists, philosophers and scientists. Therefore, if you have this personality tendency, don’t feel inferior or despair, face your problems bravely and work hard to improve your living conditions. Here are some methods that may help:

1. Cultivate interest

Interest is a positive awareness and emotion that can help you overcome boredom and apathy and increase the fun and motivation of life. You can try the following ways to develop your interest:

  • Increase awareness. You need to consciously analyze yourself, find out your strengths and potential, and determine a positive life goal. You have to understand that life is a wonderful journey, and everyone should be like an interesting traveler, appreciating the scenery along the way, enjoying the fun of the journey, and constantly moving forward and growing.
  • Participate in social practice. You need to create opportunities to get in touch with various things in society, increase your social information, and make your interests richer and more diverse.
  • Join interest groups. This is a good way to cultivate interests. You can choose some activities that suit your preferences and expertise, such as painting, singing, dancing, art, sports, technology, etc., and communicate and learn with other people who have the same hobbies.

2. Adjust yourself

Schizotypal personality is often formed in childhood and is difficult to change. But that doesn’t mean you can’t do something to adjust yourself. You can try the following ways to adjust yourself:

  • Increase social interaction. You should pay attention to contact with others more and don’t always worry about being laughed at or misunderstood. You should try your best to chat and socialize with others as relaxed and happily as possible. In communication, you can understand others, let others understand you, strive for understanding and help from others, and replace loneliness with friendship. When others praise you for your help, you will feel more proud and confident, and you will be more able to overcome your inferiority complex and timidity.
  • Change mindset. You need to get rid of some wrong or negative concepts, such as genetic determinism, women are inferior to men, fatalism, etc. You have to believe that you have the ability to change your destiny, and as long as you work hard, you will succeed. You have to remember the saying ‘Nothing is difficult in the world, only those who are willing to do so’. As long as you choose a direction that suits you, you will definitely achieve something through your own efforts.
  • keep a pet. This is a way to feel warm and contented. You can choose some small animals you like, such as cats, dogs, birds, fish, etc., give them names, take care of their lives, play and interact with them. This can make you feel needed and loved, and can also improve your indifference to others.

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