How should parents respond when their underage daughter encounters sexual behavior?

In modern society, parents may face some unexpected challenges, one of which is the early introduction of sexual activity to their underage daughters. As a parent, how you respond calmly, provide support, and take appropriate measures is not only related to your children’s future development, but also their mental health and safety. So, what should parents do when they discover this situation? This article will provide you with some suggestions to help parents cope with this complicated situation.

1. Stay calm and provide emotional support

First, parents must remain calm. No matter how complicated the situation is, the most important thing is not to rush to blame or reprimand your child. The daughter may have difficulty telling the truth because of fear, shame, or confusion. At this time, parents’ understanding and tolerance are crucial.

Listen to and support her emotions so she feels she won’t be criticized or blamed. Create an environment of trust and encourage her to express her inner feelings and learn more about what happened. Even if the situation is not ideal, parents should show unconditional support and give their children enough emotional security.

Recommended actions:

  • Listen to your daughter’s feelings and don’t rush to blame.
  • Show unconditional support and let her know that her parents will work with her to face the problem.

2. Confirm the nature of the incident: voluntary or forced?

Next, parents need to rationally understand the specific circumstances of the incident in order to judge the next step. Whether sex is consensual or not is a very important question. If it is consensual and of similar age, there may not be any legal issues involved, but if the incident involves coercion, deception, or threats, then it is likely to be sexual assault and the parents will have to take further legal action.

The legal age of sexual consent in China is 14 years old, and sexual activity under the age of 14, whether consensual or not, may be considered inappropriate. If one party engages in sexual behavior through improper means, especially force or coercion, legal liability is still involved even if the other party is a minor.

Parents need to first understand the nature of the incident. Chinese law has strict regulations on the sexual behavior of minors, especially regarding the age of sexual consent (legally 14 years old). When deciding whether to call the police, parents need to consider the following points:

  1. Consensual sex: If both parties are minors and are of similar age, the sex is voluntary and generally does not involve criminal liability. In this case, calling the police may not be necessary. What is more needed is to strengthen communication and sex education within the family.
  2. Force or coercion: If the other party forces their daughter to have sex through threats, violence or other means, this is illegal in any case, and parents should call the police and seek legal protection. Even if the other party is also a minor, the law will handle it accordingly according to the specific circumstances.

Recommended actions:

  • Understand the specific details of the sexual behavior and determine whether coercion or threats were involved.
  • When in doubt, you can consult a professional lawyer to ensure appropriate legal judgment.

When both parties committing sexual acts are minors, whether it is necessary to call the police depends on the specific circumstances.

Consensual sexual intercourse: If an underage girl has consensual intercourse with a partner of a similar age (e.g., the same age), this generally does not involve criminal liability. Parents do not necessarily need to call the police, but they should strengthen sexual education and emotional guidance for their children.

Force or Sexual Assault: If force, coercion, or violence is involved, regardless of whether the person is a minor, parents should consider calling the police. Sexual crime cases involving minors will be handled in accordance with special legal procedures, but the law still protects the rights of the victims.

Therefore, parents can first seek legal advice to help determine whether they need to call the police and understand the relevant legal consequences.

Recommended actions:

  • Contact a lawyer to understand the situation and ensure that your actions are legal and compliant.
  • Preserve possible evidence, such as keeping the scene as intact as possible and conducting medical examinations in a timely manner.

4. Medical examination and psychological counseling

Regardless of whether or not the police are called, parents should take their child for a medical checkup as soon as possible to ensure her health. This is not only to protect the health of the child, but also to determine if there is any further medical need. In addition, psychological counseling is necessary, especially if the child has experienced trauma or confusion.

Psychological counseling can help children face this experience correctly and reduce the risk of future psychological problems. Mental health is particularly important for their long-term development and sense of self-protection.

Recommended actions:

  • Seek a psychologist to help your child deal with trauma.
  • Strengthen sex education to help children establish correct sexual concepts and self-protection awareness.

5. Strengthen sex education and family communication

Through this incident, parents can re-examine whether their children’s sex education is in place. Proper sex education can help children better understand the consequences of sexual behavior, learn to respect themselves and others, and enhance their awareness of self-protection. Maintaining open communication with children and discussing topics related to sex, emotions, and relationships can not only help them establish correct concepts, but also avoid similar situations in the future.

In addition, communication with the other party’s family may also be a reasonable method. If parents on both sides can have a rational dialogue and understand each other’s children’s situation, it may help to solve the problem better.

Recommended actions:

  • Establish open family communication to ensure children are willing to ask for help if they encounter problems in the future.

6. Future conservation measures and education

If the incident involves illegal behavior or causes parents to worry about their daughter’s future safety, they can take further legal protection measures, such as applying for a protection order or seeking help from the community or school.

At the same time, parents should continue to supervise and guide their children, especially in social networking and interactions with the opposite sex. Help them learn to protect themselves in modern social environments and identify potential risks.

Recommended actions:

  • Strengthen children’s awareness of online safety and social boundaries.


Parental support and guidance are crucial when an underage daughter encounters sexual behavior. Remaining calm, providing emotional support, understanding the facts of the incident, and taking legal and medical measures as appropriate are the correct ways to handle the situation. If the other party is also a minor, the necessity of calling the police depends on the situation. At the same time, parents should also take this opportunity to strengthen sex education to help their children learn to better protect themselves and handle complex interpersonal relationships in the future. Most importantly, through family communication and social support, parents can help their daughters smoothly navigate this life challenge.

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