The love path of INFP and ESTP: How to overcome personality differences and build a good relationship?

You are an INFP and you fall in love with an ESTP, and you may feel confused and helpless. You may be asking yourself: What should I do? We are so different, can we get along?

INFP and ESTP are two completely different personality types. They have huge differences in cognition, emotion, behavior and values. These differences may lead to some communication and understanding barriers, and may even cause some conflicts and contradictions.

However, this does not mean that the relationship between INFP and ESTP is hopeless. In fact, if these differences can be handled correctly, they can also establish a positive, complementary relationship that promotes mutual growth.

So, as an INFP, how should you build a good relationship with an ESTP? Here are some suggestions that may help:

1. Respect your inner feelings

As an INFP, you place great emphasis on your inner feelings and beliefs, which are your core values. Therefore, you need to respect your feelings and beliefs and remain authentic, honest, and confident, and don’t give up your core values and needs to please others.

When you feel uncomfortable or uncomfortable inside, you can try to find the cause of this emotional state and think about how to adjust your behavior or environment to improve your emotional state.

In order to respect your inner feelings, you need to learn to say ’no’ and maintain your independence and autonomy. When your inner feelings are not in line with someone else’s request, you can consider how to politely reject the other person’s request while maintaining your own position and values.

When you feel uneasy or uncertain within yourself, you can try to stop, meditate or take a deep breath to find what you really want and need from within. This helps you better understand your inner feelings and needs and take appropriate actions to meet your needs.

2. Explore what you have in common with your ESTP

Although there are huge differences between you and the ESTP, you can still find some common ground. You can try to establish common interests and activities with the ESTP to enhance mutual connections and interactions, which will help to establish a relationship between you. contact and communication.

You and your ESTP may have some common interests, such as travel, sports, music, art, etc. By exploring common interests, you can experience, explore and share fun together.

You and your ESTP may also share certain values, such as freedom, independence, adventure, exploration, and so on. By exploring shared values, you can create a deeper connection and explore the meaning and value of life together.

Together you can explore common challenges such as climbing, hiking, exploring and more. By facing challenges together, you can build trust, support and encourage each other, and create deeper connections.

Together you can explore shared experiences such as traveling, attending events, visiting exhibitions and more. By going through and experiencing things together, you can build shared memories and grow in your understanding and relationship with each other.

3. Try to understand ESTP’s behavior and way of thinking

The ESTP is typically a very action-oriented, practical, and outgoing personality type. Try to understand how they behave and think, which will help you better understand their needs and motivations.

ESTP is an extroverted personality type. They like to interact with people, participate in various activities, and express their thoughts and feelings directly. Therefore, when getting along with them, you need to understand their extroverted personality, respect their personality characteristics, and do not try to Change them.

ESTP is also a perceptual thinking personality type. They focus on sensory experience and practical experience, and like to acquire knowledge and skills through personal experience. When interacting with them, you need to understand their perceptual way of thinking and try to establish connection and resonance with them through personal experience.

Although ESTPs are a perceptual thinking personality type, they are also capable of logical thinking. They are good at problem solving and analyzing situations, and like to solve problems through logical analysis. When interacting with them, you need to understand their logical way of thinking and respect their analysis and judgment.

ESTP is a pragmatic personality type. They focus on practical experience and action, seek quick solutions to problems, and like to try new things and challenges. When interacting with them, you need to understand their realism, try to find practical solutions with them, and face challenges and adventures together.

4. Learn to communicate effectively

There is a huge difference in communication between you and the ESTP. You tend to be emotionally and empathically oriented, while ESTPs are more practical and action oriented. Therefore, both parties need to learn to communicate in a clear, direct and practical manner. You can learn to express your thoughts and feelings, and the ESTP can learn to better listen to and understand your emotional needs. ESTPs typically prefer concise, direct, and practical communication, so you’ll need to learn to express your thoughts and feelings in a clear, specific, and practical way.

Effective communication requires both parties to be able to participate and contribute. Therefore, when communicating, you must respect the other party’s opinions and ideas, listen carefully to the other party’s point of view, understand the other party’s views and emotional needs, try to think and understand the problem from the other party’s perspective, and avoid one-sided judgments and prejudices.

To communicate effectively, you need to express your views and ideas clearly and concisely. This means expressing yourself in simple, understandable language and avoiding difficult terminology or overly abstract concepts. At the same time, you should also pay attention to the way and tone of expression, avoid being too tough or arrogant, and stay objective and calm.

Sometimes communication can cause emotional reactions such as anger, dissatisfaction or disappointment. In this situation, try to avoid emotional reactions, stay calm, and don’t let your emotions dominate your actions and words. If you can’t control your emotions, you can temporarily leave the scene or take a deep breath to relieve your emotions.

When communicating, you need to pay attention to the other party’s feedback and response, and understand the other party’s understanding and feelings. This can be accomplished by proactively asking, listening to the other person’s feedback, and observing the other person’s body language. This can help us better understand each other’s perspectives and emotional needs, further improving communication effectiveness.


INFP and ESTP have very different personalities. Their ways of thinking, values, and life attitudes are very different. However, this difference may also make them complementary. If they can respect and understand each other, they can also promote each other and achieve better life and work results.

Dealing with the situation of an INFP liking an ESTP is not easy, but it’s not impossible either. As long as you can maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, respect your inner feelings, try to understand the ESTP’s behavior and way of thinking, and build a bridge of communication and understanding, the relationship between you is likely to develop well.

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