Are you caught among the top ten obstacles to career development?

In the workplace, we all hope to successfully achieve our goals, gain recognition from our bosses and colleagues, and enhance our value and status. However, sometimes we encounter difficulties and setbacks, and are even hindered by seemingly insignificant details. These details may be our own behavior or attitude, or it may be our communication or cooperation with others. If we do not discover and correct these problems in time, it may affect our career development and even become our career bottleneck.

So, what are some common obstacles in the workplace? The following ten aspects hope to give you some inspiration and warning.

1. Overestimation of self

Confidence is a virtue, but overconfidence can turn into arrogance. Some people overestimate their role in group cooperation and their own abilities in the workplace. If this overestimation is very large, it will lead to unrealistic expectations of returns and an eagerness to obtain excess positive feedback. Such people often leave an arrogant, selfish, and uncooperative impression on their superiors and colleagues, and they also lose many opportunities for learning and progress.

2. Lack of closed-loop awareness

Closed-loop awareness means that things must be done from beginning to end, and each link must be completed responsibly to ensure that the expected results are ultimately achieved. People who lack closed-loop awareness, in layman’s terms, dig holes but don’t bury them, and do not produce reliable results (or report or show off without results). Such people will make their bosses and colleagues feel uneasy, distrustful, and dissatisfied, and will also put themselves in a passive and embarrassing situation.

3. Improper request for instructions

Asking for instructions is a common communication method in the workplace. It can express respect and trust to superiors and avoid unnecessary risks and troubles. However, methods and techniques should also be paid attention to when asking for instructions. People who improperly ask for instructions have the following symptoms: they do not ask for instructions on key issues and make their own decisions; they constantly ask for instructions on issues that should be clear within the scope of the business; they do not use multiple-choice or true-false questions when asking for instructions, but use a question-and-answer format. Such people will create a feeling of incompetence, ignorance, irresponsibility, lack of opinion, and inefficiency in their bosses.

4. Communicate on different frequencies

Communication is an essential skill in the workplace. It can help us convey information, understand needs, solve problems, coordinate relationships, and more. However, not everyone is able to communicate effectively. People who communicate with different frequencies have the following symptoms: it is difficult to understand the true intention expressed by superiors, and it is easy to misunderstand and lead to deviations in execution; reporting problems cannot be concise and clear, without focus and losing information; speaking tone or expression is inappropriate, It is easy to cause misunderstandings or conflicts. Such people will make communication difficult and painful for bosses and colleagues, and will also affect the efficiency and quality of work.

5. Gossip and Complaining

Gossip and complaining are one of the most common pastimes in the workplace, and they can help us relieve stress, seek sympathy, increase intimacy, and more. However, excessive gossip and complaining can also have many negative effects. People who gossip and complain have the following symptoms: blaming their bosses or leaders behind their backs and spreading gossip; having no positive solutions to all kinds of dissatisfaction with work or the company, just complaining; making various comments about colleagues or customers, There is no objective basis, just subjective bias. Such people will make their superiors and colleagues feel disrespected, distrustful, and uncooperative, and will also affect their own image and reputation.

6. Be unique

Maverick is a personality that can show an independent, confident and innovative style. However, in multi-organizations, except for super experts, the idiosyncrasies of others will make organizational management more difficult. Mavericks have the following manifestations: do not follow rules or procedures, do not follow instructions or suggestions; do not communicate or collaborate with others, do not share information or experience; do not accept criticism or feedback, do not improve or optimize. Such people will make their bosses and colleagues feel insecure, uncomfortable, and unbalanced, and will also affect the team’s cohesion and execution.

7. Always let superiors put out fires

It is a habit to always let superiors put out fires. It can show a mentality of dependence, asking for help, and seeking protection. However, in the workplace, this habit will make your superiors feel tired and will also cause you to lose many opportunities for growth and improvement. People who always ask their superiors to put out fires have the following symptoms: they are prone to accidents, mistakes or conflicts with others when doing things, and they need their superiors to constantly put out fires; they are easy to give up or back down when encountering difficulties or challenges, and they need their superiors to Continuously encourage and support; easily hesitate or refuse when faced with opportunities or tasks, requiring constant push from superiors for arrangements. Such people will make their bosses and colleagues feel helpless, disappointed, and bored, and will also affect their confidence and abilities.

8. Sloppy mouth

Sloppy mouth is a kind of weakness. It can show a desire to talk, curiosity, showing off, etc. However, in the workplace, this kind of weakness will get you into a lot of trouble, and it will also make it difficult for your superiors to maintain the image of the department. People who are lax in their speech have the following symptoms: they are unable to keep secrets, causing some problems in the department to be magnified in the communication; they are unable to control their words, causing some information in the department to be distorted in the transmission; they are unable to avoid topics, causing the department to Some of the department’s strategies will be revealed in the reveal. Such people will make their bosses and colleagues feel worried, nervous, and annoyed, and will also affect the interests and reputation of the department.

9. Emotional

Emotionality is a state that can express a true, sensitive, and passionate personality. However, in the workplace, this state can make oneself and others feel uncomfortable, and can also affect work effectiveness. Emotional people have the following symptoms: they are easily affected by emotions at work, leading to impulsive or wrong decisions; they are prone to emotional fluctuations at work, leading to friction or estrangement with others; Easily lose control of emotions, causing harm or stress to yourself or others. Such people will make their bosses and colleagues feel uncontrollable and unpredictable, and will also affect the stability and quality of their work.

10. Like to talk big words

Likes to talk big is a habit, it can show a confident, humorous, interesting style. However, in the workplace, this habit will cause you to lose credibility and your superiors to lose trust. People who like to talk big have the following symptoms: exaggerating their abilities or contributions at work, causing them to be unable to fulfill their promises or meeting expectations; exaggerating their experiences or achievements at work, causing themselves to be exposed or ridiculed; Fictitious plans or goals at work lead to being questioned or rejected. Such people will make their superiors and colleagues feel insincere, unreliable, and unprofessional, and will also affect their own development and opportunities.

The above are the top ten obstacles to career development. Have you fallen into them? If you find that you have some of the above problems, don’t be discouraged and don’t run away. You can improve your workplace performance by:

  • Enhance self-awareness, objectively assess your strengths and weaknesses, and identify areas for improvement;
  • Increase self-feedback, check your own behavior and results in a timely manner, and find out your own problems and causes;
  • Improve self-learning, actively seek guidance and advice from superiors and colleagues, and find out methods and experiences that you can learn from;
  • Enhance self-management, proactively formulate reasonable and feasible goals and plans, and find actions and steps that you can implement.

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