Have you ever encountered the three paradoxes of life choices?

Life is a series of choices, and each choice affects our future and happiness. However, many times when we make choices, we do not have enough knowledge and experience to support us, but make decisions in a state of uncertainty and blindness. This leads to three paradoxes in life choices, leaving us confused and helpless. The three paradoxes are:

  1. Professional Paradox: At the age of 18, I was asked to choose my major when I knew nothing about the subject or knowledge. This paradox allows us to decide the direction of our future learning and development without fully understanding our own interests and abilities. This may lead us to choose a major that is not suitable for us or that we do not like, thus affecting our learning results and career development.
  2. Job Paradox: 22-25-year-olds are asked to choose a job direction when they have no idea of the operating rules of the business world. This paradox allows us to decide our future work and career direction without fully understanding the market and industry. This may lead us to choose a job that is not suitable for us or that we do not like, thus affecting our productivity and career satisfaction.
  3. Partner Paradox: 25-28 year olds are asked to identify a long-term partner with little knowledge of themselves and their relationships. This paradox allows us to decide on our future partner and marriage direction without fully understanding ourselves and the other person. This may lead us to choose a partner who is not suitable for us or we do not like, thus affecting the quality of our relationship and marital happiness.

Thinking about it this way, problems in life are actually a high probability event. So, how do we deal with these paradoxes? In my opinion, there are a few suggestions that you can refer to:

  • Exploration: Before making important life choices, explore yourself and the outside world as much as possible to increase your knowledge and experience. For example, before choosing a major, you can participate in more community activities, volunteer services, interest courses, etc. to discover your interests and strengths; before choosing a job, you can do more internships, part-time jobs, start a business, etc., to understand the needs and trends of the market and industry ; Before choosing a partner, you can make more friends, date, travel, etc. to understand your own and the other person’s personality and values.
  • Adjustment: After making an important life choice, do not stubbornly stick to your decision, but be flexible and adjust according to the actual situation. For example, after discovering that you have chosen the wrong major, you can consider changing your major, minor, double degree, etc. to change your learning direction; after discovering that you have chosen the wrong job, you can consider changing jobs, departments, companies, etc. to change the direction of your work; after you find that you have chosen the wrong partner, you can consider communication, consultation, breakup, etc. to change the direction of your relationship.
  • Balance: In the process of making important life choices, don’t be too rational or too emotional, but find a suitable balance point. For example, when choosing a major, don’t just look at the popularity of the major or employment prospects, but also consider your own interests and abilities; when choosing a job, don’t just look at the income or development space of the job, but also consider your own preferences. and values; when choosing a partner, don’t just look at the other person’s appearance or background, but also consider the other person’s personality and qualities.

Life is a journey and we are all travelers. We will encounter various choices during our journey, some choices will lead us to the right path, and some choices will lead us to the wrong path. However, no matter what choice we make, we should not regret or blame ourselves, but face it bravely and actively change. Only in this way can we truly enjoy the journey of life and find our own happiness. I hope you find these thought experiments and suggestions inspiring and helpful.

Link to this article: https://m.psyctest.cn/article/2axv7vd8/

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