How to help families move forward? Save these 20 suggestions

Family is an important part of life. A happy and harmonious family can bring us endless warmth and motivation. However, it is not an easy task to make the family move forward. It requires both husband and wife to work together and follow some basic principles and methods. Here, I have compiled 20 suggestions for you, I hope it will be helpful to you.

  1. Positioning: Family members must position themselves well and perform their duties well. Do not go beyond the scope of your duties and do not neglect your obligations.
  2. Learning: There must be at least one person in the family who maintains the ability to learn throughout life, thereby acquiring the latest knowledge, concepts and abilities. Only in this way can we adapt to social changes and improve the competitiveness of ourselves and our families.
  3. Reserves: Be aware of the crisis and always ensure that there are funds in the books for the next 1-2 years to prevent the impact of unstable employment on the family. At the same time, there must also be plans and measures to deal with emergencies.
  4. Financial Management: The economic foundation determines the superstructure. The family must have the ability to make money, and it must also have the ability to plan and manage finances. Don’t spend or invest blindly. Make reasonable budgets and plans based on your actual situation and goals.
  5. Loyalty: Do not engage in domestic violence, cheating, illegal drug use and other intolerable matters in marriage. These behaviors can severely damage the trust and affection between husband and wife, and even lead to the disintegration of the family.
  6. Relationship: The relationship between husband and wife is the most important part of all relationships, far higher than the parent-child relationship and the original family relationship. Husbands and wives should respect, understand, support, and tolerate each other, communicate more, negotiate more, and compromise more.
  7. Choose: Find a good person, and then be a good person. Husband and wife build each other up, rather than attriting each other. If the other party is mentally ill, divorce him as soon as possible. Don’t wrong yourself for the sake of your children or other reasons, as that will only make you and the other person more miserable.
  8. Responsibility: Husband and wife should have the courage and loyalty to share adversity, and have the responsibility and wisdom to protect the children of the family. Don’t shrink from difficulties or shirk responsibility, but face challenges and risks together.
  9. Unity: Husband and wife should be of the same mind and not be at odds with each other. When something happens, report it to the group first to find a solution instead of blaming or complaining about each other. Don’t speak ill of the other person or expose the other person’s shortcomings in front of outsiders.
  10. Division of labor: Men and women should reasonably divide family affairs, take care of the family, make money, and raise children, and reach a consensus and effective division of labor. Don’t have a sense of superiority or inferiority because of your gender or income. Recognize that everyone’s contribution is valuable.
  11. Plan: Before having a child, the couple must reach a consensus. Children consume a lot of energy and material. Don’t give birth because of impulse or social pressure. You should consider the endurance and future development of yourself and your family.
  12. Education: When it comes to educating children, couples should reach a consensus and don’t make trouble in front of each other. If there are disputes, the two people will discuss it behind their backs. Don’t put too much pressure or expectations on your children, respect their personality and interests, and guide rather than force.
  13. Self-reliance: Rely on your own efforts and do not place all your hopes on your children. This is a sign of evading responsibility. Don’t expect your children to take care of themselves or repay you when they grow up, but to create a better future for yourself and your family.
  14. Put yourself in another person’s shoes: You must learn to think in another person’s shoes. Don’t just see your own contribution and ignore the other person’s contribution. Think more about the other person’s advantages. Instead of always complaining or being critical, express gratitude or praise more often.
  15. Growth: Let’s learn together. Don’t let one of you go too fast and the other stay in the same place, otherwise communication will be a problem. Husbands and wives should encourage, promote, and help each other to improve their abilities and abilities together.
  16. Confidentiality: Don’t tell outsiders about your family affairs, otherwise you will only be looked down upon and laughed at, which will not do you any good. If you have any questions or difficulties, you can seek help and advice from professionals or institutions.
  17. Independence: If the two generations have different hearts and minds, they must live separately from their parents. Don’t let your parents interfere with your life or education, and don’t let them bear the responsibilities you should bear.
  18. Health: Health is the priority. Regular physical examinations and good insurance. The whole family can exercise more together to promote bonding, and can also develop a common hobby, such as running, swimming, playing ball, etc.
  19. Filial piety: When an elderly member of the family is sick, you must bear what is borne, otherwise there will be a gap between husband and wife. Don’t ignore the physical and emotional needs of the elderly because of busy work or other reasons. Spend more time chatting with them.
  20. Balance: Of the two couples, one can be responsible for chasing highs and the other for maintaining stability. Ensure that the family has access and possibilities for upward growth. However, you should not be too adventurous or conservative, and make reasonable choices based on the actual situation and risks.

The above are the 20 suggestions you provided. I hope they can inspire and help you.

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