All psychological tests

Inner richness test

Mental/Health 15 4 Minutes 4
There is a unique world in each person's eyes, its color and depth painted by the richness within us. For those who feel empty deep down in their souls, the world may seem dull and boring; but for those who are full of souls, even an ordinary moment can find infinite wonder and beauty. This is not just a test, it is a journey of self-discovery, an opportunity to delve deeper into your inner world...

Life Attitude Test: Test how high your delayed gratification index is

Character/Personality 10 4 Minutes 2
In this fast-paced world, we are faced with countless choices and decisions every day. Sometimes, these choices involve an important psychological concept delayed gratification. Delayed gratification refers to the ability to choose to give up immediate happiness in the face of temptation and desire in order to expect greater rewards in the future. This is not only an ability of self-control, but a...

Glass heart degree test

Mental/Health 30 3 Minutes 7
Glass heart degree test
Glassy personality is an emotionally fragile and vulnerable psychological state, often accompanied by mood swings and irritable tendencies. This personality type is often unable to control his or her emotional reactions when faced with trivial matters or the words and deeds of others, manifesting as impulsive and irrational behavior, but this does not mean that this is the original intention. In ...

jealousy level test

Life/hobbies 2 1 Minutes 1
There will always be some jealousy at work or in daily life, and sometimes it will become a motivation. But if you don't master it carefully, it will become a negative emotion of hate, then you have to start to pay attention to regulating yourself, otherwise, failure will always follow you in the workplace. To test your jealousy, click the start button below to enter the test.

Test what kind of workplace troublemaker are you?

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
In the workplace, getting into trouble is inevitable. Especially, for students who have just stepped out of school, because they are already accustomed to the school's pattern, it will not take a day or two to suddenly have to change everything. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct a reasonable analysis of your own personality and way of doing things, and then correct them in the correct way to m...

Social Negative Personality Test

Character/Personality 30 3 Minutes 7
Social Negative Personality Test
The official free social negative personality test (42 questions, with complete analysis) provided by this site is an interesting and enlightening psychological assessment. Through six relatively independent social negative personality dimensions, it reveals the subject's social interaction Possible negative social personality traits. These traits include aloofness, suspicion, willfulness, dominan...

Social Positive Personality Test

Character/Personality 30 3 Minutes 3
Social Positive Personality Test
In this ever-changing world, everyone is unique. Our personality is like a painting drawn with different colors and lines, showing our unique personality and charm. Social Positive Personality Test is a key that can unlock and reveal the positive and beautiful aspects of our personality. This test is not just a simple questionnaire, it is a process of deeply exploring yourself and discovering you...

How high is your 'cuteness index'?

Life/hobbies 10 3 Minutes
In this colorful world, everyone is unique. Our personalities are like a delicate picture. Some are like bright sunshine, warming and shining on the people around them; others are like the deep night sky, quiet and tolerant. In this context, the word 'cute' came into being, which represents a character trait that is both innocent and cute. The word 'cute' comes from the Japanese words 'natural st...

Measure the level of mental fatigue among office workers

Mental/Health 10 1 Minutes 1
Many office workers suffer from varying degrees of psychological fatigue, but some people are unwilling to face up to their fatigue, and more often do not understand whether their state is truly psychological fatigue. So let’s test it quickly! This test is a simple self-assessment tool and is not a substitute for a professional mental health evaluation. If you are concerned about your mental fati...

HLWP Love Personality Test

Love/Relationship 40 4 Minutes 21
HLWP Love Personality Test
Test which love personality type you are in HLWP? Psychologists have divided human personality into four basic types, namely 'lively type' (H), 'power type' (L), 'perfect type' (W), and 'peaceful type' (P). 1. H-type love personality (lively type): This kind of person is usually lively and changeable, and likes artistic and sensual things. Love often lasts only three minutes, and love comes and g...

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