All psychological tests

Fun psychological test: Test what you are avoiding

Life/hobbies 2 1 Minutes 1
Avoidance psychology is the psychological phenomenon of being unable to consciously resolve conflicts and conflicts with society and others in real life, and sometimes choosing to avoid them. Escape is a manifestation of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages, which is understandable in itself. However, the problem is that many people are addicted to seeking advantages and avoiding disadva...

Will Qi Qi sell herself for work?

Everything requires 'giving up' to achieve 'gain'. In normal life, we often exchange things that we think are insignificant for things that we care about and are determined to get. But after the exchange, we inevitably regret it, because no matter what, we are faced with loss. So what are you most likely to lose at work? Let’s take a look at the advice “Horror Tarot Cards” has for you! !

How do you turn around at work?

You are like a spoiled child because you have never encountered unforgettable love. It can be said that you have never even experienced the feeling of lovelorn. However, no one’s sky is always sunny. If one day, your life encounters gloom, storm, and snow, how should you deal with it? Don't wait until you are in the cold storage to hold a copy of 'Who Touched My Cheese' and secretly complain. Fro...

Test how many jobs you will change in your life

Workplace/career 3 1 Minutes
A person's dietary concept can often reflect whether he is dedicated to his work. In fact, to some extent, work is very similar to the food we enjoy every day. Some people have a strong preference for certain foods and never forget them, some people only like certain foods during a certain period of time, and some people have a hard time telling what they like. Which type of person do you belong t...

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