All psychological tests

Fun test: What will your bestie take away from you?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Women's friendships are not as strong as men's friendships. Women are inherently jealous animals, and friendships often break down because of trivial matters. Women's friendship is very complicated, and most women are very scheming. You are not sure whether she has a purpose in being friends with you, so it is difficult for women to make friends with each other. Do you have a best friend? Want to ...

How can you increase your popularity index?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
In today's society, especially in China, interpersonal relationships are very important. From the time you are born, you have relationships with people. Contacting and getting to know people is just the preliminary work. A truly popular person lies in being able to maintain interpersonal relationships. How to maintain good relationships is the beginning of managing your popularity.

Fun test: Who is the best person in your life to keep away from?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Confucius said, 'Three friends are beneficial, and three friends are detrimental. Friends who are straightforward, friends who are forgiving, and friends who are knowledgeable are beneficial. Friends who are friendly are open, friends who are gentle, friends who are sycophantic, and those who are friendly are harmed.' The experience of the ancients tells us that we need to be careful when making f...

Test what kind of personality you are more suitable to find as a companion

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
In our daily life, we often hear common sayings such as those who are willing to fight and those who are willing to suffer, repaying evil with kindness, etc. In the field of psychology, this reflects the two dimensions of interpersonal relationships-dominance and submission. It means that people have a tendency to behave in response to desired or unwanted stimuli. Psychology believes that people w...

Will testing your kindness be exploited by others?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
In today's fiercely competitive society, many people often choose to do whatever it takes to achieve a goal. The more sophisticated people are, the more likely they are to leave the impression of being innocent and cute to others, and may unknowingly take advantage of others' kindness. This is not only due to other people's schemes, but also largely due to your lack of precautions. Will others tak...

What are the reasons that make you lose your temper with your friends?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Everyone has their own preferences and temperament, and it takes a period of time for people to get along with each other, whether they are lovers or friends, before they can become relatively harmonious. When it comes to getting angry with friends, I believe everyone has encountered some people who secretly express their anger or others who openly express their anger. So why do you get angry with...

Find out what your ideal dating situation is like

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Everyone who hangs out in this society will have their own circle of friends, probably from childhood to adulthood, whether they are classmates or colleagues. Among these people, they will always meet close friends, whom they meet so late that they can talk about everything. But making friends is not just casual. Everyone must have their own rules for making friends. What is the ideal state of mak...

Fun test: What kind of friend gathering are you most suitable for?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Everyone's personality is different, so the circle of life is different. Some people like to sing and dance crazily with friends to vent the stress of the day; some people like to drink tea and chat with friends; some people like to go to fitness places with friends to exercise. Do you want to know what kind of friend gathering you are suitable for? Now let’s do a social test together.

Fun psychological test: Do you often mean what you say?

Interpersonal/Social 1 1 Minutes
Duplicity and unpredictable behavior have never been unique to women. In fact, both men and women will do the opposite and say duplicitous things. Men often complain that women are difficult, sarcastic, and difficult to understand. Women also often complain that men don’t always mean what they say, saying one thing and doing another. In this complex society, many people will ignore sincerity in th...

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