All psychological tests

Workplace test: Test how much room you have for promotion in the workplace

What are you busy with every day? Is it to realize your dream, to exchange for more material things, or to reflect your personal value? Maybe we are still not satisfied with the current job position and salary. The busy work makes us breathless. When we get home every day, the lights are bright, and you drag your tired body and feel extremely melancholy. Seeing difficult projects, unfinished work,...

Workplace test: How to break through the interpersonal wall in your workplace?

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
In the workplace, we not only have to face leaders with changeable faces every day, but also have to maintain good relationships with colleagues. Human nature comes in all shapes and forms, so how to handle interpersonal relationships well is something we are struggling with. When it comes to networking in the workplace, some people are afraid, some find it stressful, but others find it easy. But ...

Career test: You work so hard, why can’t you get a raise or promotion?

There are two rules for stabilizing the minds of people in the workplace. One is promotion and the other is salary increase. If you cannot meet these two conditions, how can you persist in working hard in the workplace? Without room for promotion, it is inevitable that you will have the idea of resigning and leaving. To survive in the workplace, we must not only work hard, but also know how to pla...

Workplace Test: What is your status among your colleagues?

Workplace/career 4 1 Minutes 1
Your personality impression, that is, your own personal brand, is particularly important in the workplace. It can be said that the quality of your logo directly affects your future and prospects. Brands need to be built. A good brand makes people trust and love you. What kind of workplace personality impression do you give people? How good is your relationship with your colleagues? Do you want to...

Psychological test: How should you deal with work pressure?

When we step out of campus and step into the workplace, we will find that the workplace is really like a battlefield, filled with too many entangled interests and complex relationships. In the workplace, you and I are like waiting for a battery. The power will slowly run out, but we rarely pay attention to the usage. Whenever it shows that the battery is low, we will panic. But the battery cannot ...

Career test: determine when is the golden period of your career

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
Everyone's career development direction and route are different, and the time to reach the golden period of their career is also different. Some people will be late bloomers, while others will become famous at a young age. Just like a star in the entertainment industry, Li Xiaolu won numerous awards for her film 'Heavenly Bath' and became famous overnight. However, Huang Bo was a late bloomer beca...

Which career suits you best?

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
The so-called 'Three hundred and sixty professions, the number one scholar in each profession' is a metaphor that outstanding people will appear in all walks of life in society. Ancient books record that there are thirty-six types of professions. Although three hundred and sixty types is a bit exaggerated, it is still true. It shows that as long as you study hard and specialize, and there are peop...

Workplace Psychology Test: Test your ability to be a leader

Workplace/career 2 1 Minutes
If the workplace is compared to a pyramid, each level will represent a position. The top one must be the leader, and the bottom one must be the executor. In this highly competitive workplace, neither success nor failure is accidental. Whether you are a leader or an ordinary employee, you will have a belief in your heart that compared to managers in the workplace, the pressure on ordinary employees...

Career test: Why do you have new opportunities after losing your job?

Workplace/career 4 1 Minutes
Unemployment is a common occurrence nowadays. However, some people can make a comeback after losing their jobs, but it is difficult for some people to make a breakthrough in their careers. After all, in addition to personal ability, this is inextricably linked to luck, personal connections, and many career wealth! How can you have new opportunities after losing your job? Let’s take a look at the c...

Psychological test: Test why you always miss out on promotions

Promotion is what everyone in the profession dreams of. In addition to ability, opportunities are also important if you want to be promoted. Do you know how to seize opportunities? But many times, promotion always passes you by. Do you want to know why every promotion passes you by? The test below will tell you the answer, let’s take a test together.

Psychological Test: Test your mental age in the workplace

Workplace/career 4 1 Minutes
After working hard in the workplace for so long, I have seen everything I need to see in the world, and I have never stopped experiencing the hardships I need to experience. Many people feel that they are not going well in the workplace, but they do not know that 'emotional intelligence is a flaw'. Emotional intelligence can be understood as a person's psychological maturity in the workplace. How ...

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