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psychological test
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Psychological test: What kind of inferiority complex are you troubled by?

Mental/Health 1 1 minute 4
Many people have low self-esteem, because at some point, their subconscious will tell you that you are not as good as others in some aspects, so you feel worse than others. People with low self-esteem need to fully understand themselves and be good at discovering themselves. Strengths, identify your true value, and imply that you are no worse than others. Only in this way can you surpass yourself....

Test the reasons for your inferiority complex

Mental/Health 3 2 minute 10
Austrian psychologist Adler believes that inferiority complex is a motivating factor. If an individual feels inferior, he or she will work hard to achieve success. After he succeeds, he will have a sense of superiority, but in the face of other people's achievements, he will have a sense of inferiority again, which will push him to achieve greater achievements without end. However, a heavy sense o...

What is the source of your inferiority complex?

Character/Personality 4 3 minute 6
To some extent, inferiority complex is a motivating factor that promotes the improvement of individuals and society. However, an excessively heavy sense of inferiority can make people discouraged, timid, and inactive. We must try to find the reasons for the inferiority complex, analyze and treat them in detail, and work hard to overcome them and make use of our strengths and avoid weaknesses. T...

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