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Fun test: How many times have you been reborn?

Life/hobbies 8 4 minute
How do we exist in this vast universe? Do our souls really exist and will they undergo reincarnation? These questions have always troubled us and triggered endless thinking and exploration. When we walk into a strange place, we sometimes feel a strong sense of familiarity, as if we have been here before at some distant moment. When we see an item, we feel an inexplicable sense of intimacy in our ...

How did you get connected with your best friend?

People in this society always regard themselves as social animals. In life, we have families and relatives, but when we go out into the outside world, of course we need a good friend. Good friends usually become best friends in the end. People often say that you will meet the kind of person you are. So why did you become friends with your best friends? Let’s take a comprehensive test!

Test how many awkward chat experiences you have

There is always a need for a certain amount of communication between people, especially when you meet someone who is your close confidant. There are endless topics to talk about for three days and three nights, but it is not always possible to meet some close friends. Many times we I have to communicate, but I don’t know how to chat with someone I meet. Next, let’s take a fun test to see if you ha...

Psychological test: smile reveals your intentions

Character/Personality 4 1 minute 2
In this complex and ever-changing world, everyone has different depths of scheming hidden in their hearts. Sometimes, these schemings are our protection on the social stage, and sometimes they are part of our inner world. But have you ever thought about whether your intentions are obvious to everyone, or are they unfathomable? Our smile is the most direct window to show our heart. Behind a simple...

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