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Test which emperor you are

Life/hobbies 8 1 minute
In the long history, emperors are those figures who determine the destiny of a country. Their words and deeds can influence the rise and fall of the country and affect the lives of millions of people. An emperor is not only a ruler, but also a symbol of a country and an era. Their images were engraved in the pages of history and became legends passed down by future generations. Each emperor has h...

Fun test: Which emperor were you when you traveled back to ancient times?

Life/hobbies 10 1 minute
In the long course of history, the images of ancient emperors have been ever-changing. They may have been wise and powerful, opening up territories, or they may have been incompetent and neglecting government affairs. Their lives were all full of legends. Some emperors left behind legends throughout the ages, while others became the objects of lessons for future generations. Imagine if you could ...

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