'5language' related tests

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What is your brain age?

Test introduction Mental/Health 15 1 1 Minutes 1
Everyone's age is like a memory, which records all your glory, pain, happiness and sadness. Age is a reflection of a person's success, but also a reflection of a person's sadness. If you want to have active thinking and a photographic memory, you need to have a young enough brain. So, how old is your brain? Let’s take some IQ test questions now!

Picture psychological test: Find out whether you are impulsive or rational in one second!

In our daily lives, we always encounter some unhappy things. Sometimes we get angry, sometimes we get irritable, sometimes we get angry, and sometimes we get crazy. However, such impulses often lead us to make decisions that are not easy to make, leading to big mistakes that we will regret for the rest of our lives. Everyone has an inner desire to play cards according to their own will and satisfy...

Daily living activities ability scale (Barthel Index, BI) online assessment

This scale is used to evaluate the patient's ability to carry out activities of daily living and can be used to evaluate the patient's functional recovery before and after treatment. It is based on the patient's actual daily performance and not based on the patient's possible abilities. The total score is 100 points. The higher the score, the better the independence and the less dependence. Pleas...

The sound of water you like represents the way you like to feel.

This psychological test question is a simple multiple-choice question designed to measure your preference for different water sounds and how this preference reflects your preferred emotional style. Different water sounds may represent different emotions, personalities and expectations, and may also affect your attitude and approach to love. Please note that this psychological test question is for...

Fun test: Who among the Egyptian gods are you?

In ancient Egypt, mystery and miracles intertwined into an eternal picture. This is a world woven by myths. Every pyramid, every statue, and every inscription tells an immortal legend. Along the banks of the Nile, stories about the gods spread like water. They may be majestic, loving, mysterious, or terrifying, but they all possess powers beyond mortals. Imagine if you lived in that era, which go...

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